Forearm Size: What Are You Guys At?

i know ive posted something similar before, asking about legs and upper arms. but now that i have been really putting some effort into my forearms, i am curious to see what some of you guys stand, i guess to compare with.

i am 5’10", 185 lbs. my forearms measured at 13" flexed

how are you flexing your forearm when measuring it

[quote]youngblood52 wrote:
how are you flexing your forearm when measuring it[/quote]

It’s not difficult.

[quote]JonBlood wrote:
youngblood52 wrote:
how are you flexing your forearm when measuring it

It’s not difficult. [/quote]


with my knuckles facing medially. so when doing my right arm, my hand bends inward (to the left)

I’m at 13.75" 5’9" 175lbs. My forearms are nearly as big around as my toothpick upper arms - which one part embarrassing and one part awesome - since it makes me look like popeye.

Mine are 14" @ 5’10, 200lbs and they look pathetic… As in “worse than untrained” pathetic.

yeah i have terrible genetics. if you seen my parents you would understand lol. theyre really defined and everything, just hard as hell to get them to grow

Lower arm is 14"
upper arm is 17.5"
I never directly train my forearms.

Forearm at 12.5 155lbs 5 8"

[quote]Wilmernuts wrote:
Lower arm is 14"
upper arm is 17.5"
I never directly train my forearms.[/quote]

Me too and those are my exact measurements

5’7’’ 185lbs. 14’’ Flexed. I need them to grow more!

mine are 14 inches unflexed.

fuck if i have the dexterity to flex and measure at the same time.

[quote]Vegg wrote:
Mine are 14" @ 5’10, 200lbs and they look pathetic… As in “worse than untrained” pathetic. [/quote]

I got you beat. 235 @ 6’ with about 13" forearms. My single worse bodypart. They would of been about 10" when I started though.

5’8" 170
Forearm 12.5
Arm: 14.5

Still have a long way to go :S

Guess what am I at? BTW also got the shoe so tell me my BF, thanks!

5’5" 170lbs
Forearm…ugh…11.5" Thank you shitty genes. At least they match my tiny hands(6.75" from beginning of hand to tip of middle finger)

5’6 190
Forearms, a pitiful 13" FUUUUUU

6ft 260

Biceps 17.25
Forearms 14.5

This is an interesting thread. My forearms are disproportionately large I think (14in vs. 16in upper arm) but I think they look decent… full muscle belly I guess. Funny to hear others with the same size (Vegg) see theirs as looking untrained.