Hi, please advise from some of the more experienced lifters. I’ve been doing heavier banded squats and bench, and I’ve been getting distracting bicep pain that’s made me miss a couple lifts. On the bench, I typically start to feel it on my decent on the way down, in the middle of my elbow joint, but the pain mostly goes away on the press up. When working up in weight, it seems to get worse; wrapping the elbow joint seems to alleviate it a bit, but it’s still a distracting pain. When squatting with a straight bar, banded, I feel pain when torquing down on the bar into my straps and when trying to tighten up my upper back. Once I start my decent, it seems to reduce a bit, but whenever I’m trying to crank the bar down into my traps, it comes back again. It’s only on the right side.
When doing isolated preacher curls, I feel no bicep pain, but I have felt pain during hammer curls.
Any suggested way to rehab this? I have dropped and reduced all bicep work, limited to back and pulling movements, and have started to use straps to keep both hands supine when deadlifting.
Thank you for your time and advice.