Hey, I’ve recently noticed discomfort when doing anything that fully extends my elbow joint. I do pullups from a dead hang, and i think it might be aggrivating it? Would I be better off doing a more partial range of motion?
Hey, I’ve recently noticed discomfort when doing anything that fully extends my elbow joint. I do pullups from a dead hang, and i think it might be aggrivating it? Would I be better off doing a more partial range of motion?
If you feel pain doing a movement, don’t do it. Partials are alright if they are not eliciting pain.
It’s impossible to say what your problem is without more info, but you might want to do a bit of forearm training, being sure to hit the extensors and other muscles, not just the flexors (i.e. don’t do just wrist curls). Not heavy weights, obviously. You are looking to strengthen atrophied or otherwise weakened muscles. So keep the weights light and reps high.
I got a nasty case of tendinosis in my elbow from doing weighted chins and steadily slapping more weight on week after week with little variation in intensity or exercises. Learned my lesson. Working my forearms from all angles made for quick rehab, once I found someone who knew something about sports injuries and explained to me the importance of it.
Finally, active release technique can work wonders if your injury is chronic. Just google active release technique to find more and find a practitioner. This site will have some info, too, on ART if you search.
I give a BIG second for forearm work. When my tendo acts up I know I have neglected my forearms. Start hit’em frequently and the pain goes away. Good Luck.
Agreed about the forearms. I’m currently having trouble with my elbow. I’m staying away from any direct arm work, icing after lifting, upping the fish oil and going for ART next week. Believe me, a couple weeks off direct arm work is well worth it.
It’s not pain like tennis elbow or anything, its just an uncomfortable stiffness with my brachialis-bicep area. It feels like I just can’t let my arms dangle there anymore like they used too…and if I force them down, it doesn’t feel right.
I think I might lay off the pullups, and focus a little more on stretching.
Thanks guys
[quote]Mcflurry wrote:
It’s not pain like tennis elbow or anything, its just an uncomfortable stiffness with my brachialis-bicep area. It feels like I just can’t let my arms dangle there anymore like they used too…and if I force them down, it doesn’t feel right.
I think I might lay off the pullups, and focus a little more on stretching.
Thanks guys[/quote]
Trigger point in brachialis? It’s pretty common.