^ Link to last log, which has links to my other logs
You’ve been through a lot with me over the last few months…And I thank you all for the support.
But this story isn’t over yet…
Hubby is getting ready to come back NEXT WEEK, after an almost year long deployment.
So with all the readjusting there is yet to be done and fun family times ahead,
I’ll still be smashing weights and am planning on a strongman comp at the end of Summer. Whether it happens for real or not, I’ll have fun training what I love to do most, which is lifting heavy! (or at least attempting)
No matter what, by the end of this log, I will be mentally and physically stronger than ever…
Decided to change the thread title…since I think I have ‘finished strong.’
I was at the gym stopping myself from vomiting on the precious barbell, thinking to myself ‘ain’t non’ dem bitches wanna be Betty STRONG!’
The trainer had about 6 girls lined up going back and forth doing THE MOST retarded shit you would could imagine. I was swearing out loud and shaking my head in disgust. I don’t even want to train there anymore.
I wanted to give a little background just in case your new to my ‘world.’
-Two kids
(9 yr old boy 4 yr old girl)
-Hubby is military and has been deployed to Afghanistan since last year.
daughter had heart surgery in Feb.
I quit smoking on the way to the hospital
-I made it through this FUCKING deployment single handedly…no friends or family around. THAT alone has made me Betty STRONG! To go through something so SUCKY and to come out ok. Kids are fine for the most part
This place and the gym have pretty much been my only outlets. So I thank you!
So if your new to around here, I’ve pretty much been dieting for the last two years I maintained strength and even went up in some lifts but strength has not been my focus.
So now I’m smashing weights and adding cardio :EEEK: while keeping the eats clean to see if I can’t still lose some pudge and add muscle. A recomp if you will. Mostly I just want to get stronger and reap the side effects of looking hawt.
I took boo bear(the dog) to the vet to get checked out yesterday cause she came down with this gnarly cough. Turns out she had heart worms at an already advanced state.
It would have costed more money than we have to do further testing/treatment. Plus to get her up to date with vaccines, getting her spayed and getting her tail fixed.
It breaks my heart because she was such a sweet dog. A perfect fit for our family. So instead of bringing her back and getting more attached, on the way home I took her to the shelter
With any luck maybe one of the rescue places I called will come forward.
Its both hard to believe its been a whole year since hubby left, and easy to believe it cause of all the good and bad that’s happened this year. Time flies and drags all at once!