[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
[quote]kothreat wrote:
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
[quote]kothreat wrote:
Although highly improbable, you can not rule out the possibility these people exist. Definitely nothing to get your panties in a knot about.
As a young kid, talking 7-9, when ever we were getting ready for the annual track and field day, the teacher would always use my long jump form as an example of “air walk”. I was good in a lot of track events, quite good. But, I lived in a small shitty town with no coaching or track programs.
What if I would have grown up in a larger centre with proper coaching, training, etc? I could be a gold medal olympian. But, that support was not available, and it was just a fun thing to us kids.
There are people out there that have incredible natural ability. This ability may not be fostered to it’s ultimate growth potential. So yeah, there are people out there that may be the best in the world at something, but for various reasons have never realized this potential. Or, perhaps have realized this potential, but because they do it for themselves, have no desire to display it. It is also fact that Jordan did not make his high school team. What if this would have deterred him from ever picking up a ball again? We all know it didn’t happen this way. He practices his god damned ass off. It was his hard work and dedication that got him to the level he achieved.
Too many variables to consider. No one can be sure one way or the other. I don’t understand why this is such a touchy topic for some. [/quote]
Another distinction: It’s one thing to say so and so COULD have been the GOAT if they had the coaching, drive, etc. It’s a whole other ball game to say so and so IS BETTER than the GOAT. Which is what some members of this site were saying in the other thread. They were claiming street ball players out there currently are better than MJ. And that there are recreational power lifters out there with better lifts than world record holders.
Big distinction.
You know what, I bet there are recreational lifters out there that have better lifts than world record holders. Different paths in life. One got into competitive lifting while another derives joy by doing it alone.
We can never know. So, to say that every GOAT has always been in the public spotlight is unreasonable.
Wasn’t there a baller from back in the day, actually nicknamed Goat? That was considered the best, but never played professional. I’ll check the interwebs and see if I can find him.
Like I said in the other threat, you guys can all play that “you never know” card all day. But excuse me for being extremely, extremely skeptical.
Some baller nicknamed goat doesn’t mean a damn thing except that maybe he was the best street baller. It’s easy to be a big fish in such a little pond.[/quote]
There is a rather large difference between being skeptical and acting like anyone who says it is a POSSIBILITY is retarded and needs to be called out in every thread.
You seem to have trouble distinguishing between the two.[/quote]
On the other end of the spectrum, you were implying that anyone that didn’t believe there were people out there better than the GOAT are retarded. IMO, your opinion is more retarded than mine.