Best Workout Program Ever?

I know that there isn’t a best program/workout, but I am interested to see what workout routine members have had the best results with. just wanna find out so lets have it.



This is a pretty broad question. Your success with any kind of program is going to depend on a lot of things. First of all what goals are you lifting for (strength, size, etc.), how long have you been training consistently, is your diet set up to support your goals (macro-nutrient intake, caloric needs). Give the forum-ites some info to go off of, you’ll get a much more informative answer to your question :smiley:

It seems that good results are more tied to busting your ass in the gym as apposed to a perfect plan. Good nutrition, hard work, and plenty of rest should make anyone grow like a weed.

[quote]usaffirefighter wrote:

This is a pretty broad question. Your success with any kind of program is going to depend on a lot of things. First of all what goals are you lifting for (strength, size, etc.), how long have you been training consistently, is your diet set up to support your goals (macro-nutrient intake, caloric needs). Give the forum-ites some info to go off of, you’ll get a much more informative answer to your question :D[/quote]

Your right, I really should have been more specific but I guess in the end I just wanna know what programs worked for people regarding their goals.

Hypothetically I might say that when I was in the army I had great results with GVT. I guess I am just curious to see what peoples favorite workout routines were.

I know that I don’t like overly complicated workout (which has stopped me doing some Ian King workouts), I like to work the basics with a little isolation work thrown in there. Also I don’t really like to alternate bent-over rows with bench presses… I cant explain why but its just me. Anyway I am just a curious guy thats all.

But yeah I guess we will get people to say what was their favorite workout for gaining muscle mass and strength.

One of my favourite workouts was

Personally, I had my best gains off of CW’s Quattro Dynamo and when I was training twice a day.

If I could, I’d train twice a day, 5 days a week.

[quote]Shammy wrote:
It seems that good results are more tied to busting your ass in the gym as apposed to a perfect plan. Good nutrition, hard work, and plenty of rest should make anyone grow like a weed.[/quote]

I agree and would rather bust my arse in the gym with two exercises than lots of exercises. I like to push close to failure (not reach it), try to add weight to the bar when I can, trying to lift as fast as possible and work my arse off. Sometimes I like higher reps (between 8-12) other times I like low reps (1-6).

I alternate reps per workout, so Monday I might do 10 x 4 then on Tuesday I might do 3 sets of ten and Thursday I might do heavy singles. Or I will do a month - 6 weeks of EDT or something like that actually I had great results with EDT but I don’t like to alternate bench press with bent-over rows.

[quote]rsg wrote:
Personally, I had my best gains off of CW’s Quattro Dynamo and when I was training twice a day.

If I could, I’d train twice a day, 5 days a week.[/quote]

I don’t know what Waterbury’s ( that’s “CW” right? ) Quattro Dynamo is, but I will remedy that with a search in a moment.

Truth, on the two sessions per training day, 5 days a week. I would add that doing such on a Split is the money.

Most successful program I’ve done is eating big, and lifting heavy shit. I’ve never done a premade…

[quote]Steve-O-68 wrote:
Most successful program I’ve done is eating big, and lifting heavy shit. I’ve never done a premade… [/quote]


Simple. Do the above and do it with heart and determination and reap the benefits.

I’m doing this right now and as long as I eat until I’m uncomfortable most of the day, it works great;

Day 1
Press behind neck 4x8
Power style squat 4x8
Bench Press 4x8
Power Clean 3x6

Day 2
Deadlift 4x6
High bar Squat 2x12
DB bench press 3x8-10
Close Grip BP 3x8-10
Barbell Rows 3x10

Both days (if you have energy left)
Curls 3x10
Calves 3x10

Off days
Sit ups 3x12
Leg raises 3x13

Workout every other day or every two days if you need more recovery esp. for the lumbar region.

15-21 sets per day.