How many times a week do you guys train every body part? I train 2 times each body part a week. If I go only once a week I start to feel flat after just one week. What do you guys think?
I either do three, full-body workouts per week or an upper/lower body split so that everything is hit twice a week.
3 full body workouts a week.
I do:
Monday: Upperbody
Tuesday: Lowerbody
Wednesday: Upperbody
Thursday: Lowerbody
Friday: Rest say( I sleep the most friday nights, so I figure it’s a good rest day)
Saturday: Upperbody
Sunday: Lowerbody
I really think it depends on how much time/energy you have. I love working out and I have pleanty of energy, so I can workout all but one day of the weak.
Wow, thats pretty impressive that you guys hit body parts multiple times a week. What programs are you following? I think I should get into doing this.
[quote]tricky85 wrote:
Wow, thats pretty impressive that you guys hit body parts multiple times a week. What programs are you following? I think I should get into doing this.[/quote]
It becomes a question of volume when you train bodyparts multiple times over the course of a week.
You can work your chest, back or legs 5 times a week if you want to go in and do 1 or 2 sets. There are many programs on site that promote working bodyparts multiple times. Heck most total body workouts hit the muscle groups 3 times a week. But they are not doing 12 individual sets for chest each day–they spread those 12 sets out over 3 days.
Read up and take a look, it can be a great change of pace if you have only been hitting bodyparts once a week.
Myself–right now Waterbury Method so 2 or 3 times each week per bodypart.
[quote]tricky85 wrote:
Wow, thats pretty impressive that you guys hit body parts multiple times a week. What programs are you following? I think I should get into doing this.[/quote]
Well, I’m in love with the ABBH program. I already finished part one and two, but since I saw such great results I decided to continue doing it. I made some changes to fit my needs a bit better, but it still follows the basic guidlines. Check out Chad Waterbury in the authors article section, all of his programs are great.
i do one bodypart a week
Monday- legs
Tues - Arms + Abs
Wed - Shoulders and traps
Thurs - Back
Fri - Chest
Focus on once per week; however, I use compound exercises. So, most muscles are trained in a secondary fashion as well.
I train 4 days a week
Monday - DE Bench
Wednesday - ME Squat
Friday - ME Bench
Saturday - DE Squat
I just got done doing three weeks of whole body everyday with 3x whole body plus some fun tire and rople pull stuff this week.
I think I missed one day completely, and did a real quick one another day, so I did 19 workouts in three weeks.
[quote]JMac10 wrote:
i do one bodypart a week
Monday- legs
Tues - Arms + Abs
Wed - Shoulders and traps
Thurs - Back
Fri - Chest[/quote]
How’s that working for you? I’m surprised people still do this type of routine. Too much overload on the upper body and you hit all of your legs in one day only once a week.
Full body every third day.
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
JMac10 wrote:
i do one bodypart a week
Monday- legs
Tues - Arms + Abs
Wed - Shoulders and traps
Thurs - Back
Fri - Chest
How’s that working for you? I’m surprised people still do this type of routine. Too much overload on the upper body and you hit all of your legs in one day only once a week.
I don’t see how that is any more overload than doing 3 full body workouts a week or hitting each bodypart directly 2x week.
I follow a similar routine - and the legs take a beating on back day - I do deads and/or rack pulls w/ heavy rows.
I also do push presses or hang cleans on shoulder day, which I guess is hitting the legs as well.
I go heavy and keep the volume relatively low, went up to 285 using this protocol (and eating like a pig) - currently at about 245 (I’m 6’4") - (I lift the same, just tweaked the diet and hit the rowing machine big time) and getting the itch to get back into racing (rowing) so my goal is to be a shredded 225, while retaining most of my new strength.
Monday Through Friday, Renegade Style
Monday: Legs and Pulling Focus
Tuesday: Pushing Focus
Wednesday: Active Rest Rope Work
Thursday: Legs and Pulling Focus
Friday: Pushing Focus
Saturday and Sunday: The boinking muscle, and my writing and thinking muscles with all the schoolwork I have.
Wow that’s some great stuff, thanks for the info. I’ll be sure to check out the Chad Waterbury programs. I personaly like doing Christian Thibaudeau’s workouts the only thing is most of his workouts are designed to hit one body part a week, which I don’t like as much so I modify them.
I am currently in the 5th week of my first cycle of Chad Waterbury’s TBT program. It’s great…you do full body three days a week. 45 minutes to an hour (including warm-ups) and yer done! The timed rest periods that are tailored to the rep ranges keep the intensity up. You definitely walk out of the gym knowing you have done something!
I will probably do one more 8-week cycle of TBT and then move on to Quattro Dynamo (which is also a full body workout each session).
Wow, what a divesity of workouts going on. I think the big questions are:
1)How well do you know your body’s ability to recover? (we’re all different)
2)How intensely are you training each body part?
3)How active are you outside the gym? (this can greatly effect recovery)
Myself, I only train each muscle group once per week (for recovery purposes) but with my workouts I use compound movements with heavy weights and each body part is thoroughly trashed by the end of a workout. Certain muscle groups recover faster than others so I could get by training these twice a week but I’m still having good gains so I’ll stick with this for now. I save certain workout changes fir when I hit a plateau.
Until recently, I did a 4 day split, hitting (directly) each area once a week. I saw good results, but I decided to give the TBT a chance, and I’ve enjoyed it. My growth has continued, and I look forward to each workout.
I agree with the others…the key seems to be the intensity and number of sets. By not training with a ridiculous volume and/or to failure each session, I’ve been able to succeed with 3 total body workouts a week. Try different programs and see what works for you.
I try to get at least 3 workouts a week. if i can, i do 4. i never workout hard more then 2 days in a row. I try to do one horizontal push pull, one squat, one veritcal push pull, and one explosive day. Sometimes i’ll substitute a heavy deadlift day if i’m not too sore for the explosive day. I’m still trying to find the correct amount of volume for certain excercises because i just get fried every workout particularly in the squats.
I’m currently doing classic cluster training and my legs are destroyed. Sometimes it takes 5 days for the soreness to dissipate from my legs. laters pk