I’ve calculated my assessment number for gaining muscle as 2500 calories (I only weigh 156lbs).
Based on 40% carbs and protein 190g (1.25xBW), I’ve worked out my macros as,
carbs 174g, 696 cals
protein 190g, 760 cals
fat 116, 1044g cals
Based on 50% carbs and protein 190g, I’ve worked out my macros as,
carbs 217g, 870 cals
protein 190g, 760 cals
fat 96g, 870 cals
Does this seem correct? I feel it seems not a lot of carbs and a lot of fat. I used your guidelines from ‘the best damn diet for natural lifters’ which says to subtract your protein calories before working out the 40/50% carb count. Other calculations Ive seen haven’t said to do that, I just want to make sure I’ve picked it up correct. I’ve been doing carb cycling for about a year, so maybe that’s why I think they seem low.
Also, when meal planning do you count carbs/ calories from vegetables?
One more thing, I do extreme stretching after my working set, would this programme benefit from that?
Thanks in advance