Dude, you’re over 6 foot and weigh less than I do at 5’6. 300g of carbs is bird-seed. Double that figure and go from there. I’m 45 and eat way more than 600g of carbs a day.
It’s just you. What else can I say… 300g of carbs is actually not high. But because we have been brainwashed that low carbs are better, then it can look huge.
I just reread the Best Damn Diet and it seems it is slightly in favour of fat loss over muscle gain. Muscle gain is there quite a lot but the part about carbs seems more towards fat loss.
For muscle gain do you still recommend the 40-60%? Or would you increase it, since your saying 300 grams is actually not a lot?
It depends on your insulin sensitivity and rate of progression. Carbs can indeed increase muscle growth by being protein sparing (dereasing protein breakdown) and even anabolic by incresing mTOR, IGF-1 and insulin. BUT it is false to say that you will linearly increase growth by simply adding carbs.
That’s another thing.
I hear people saying that this herb increases insulin sensitivity or that weight training does too. But how does one actually measure insulin sensitivity without spending a million bucks?
You can do it yourself pretty less by using a glucometer. You test for fasted blood glucose levels. In a fasted state under 100 mg/dl is normal, above that it would indicate insulin resistanceand higher than 125mg/dl is an indication of diabetes.
You can also do a glucose tolerance test.
In a fasted state drink 75g of glucose (pretty much any simple liquid carb can do but it must provide 75g of simple carbs). Then measure blood glucose levels 2 hours later. If it’s less than 140mg/dl it’s normal (good insulin sensitivity), if it’s between 140 and 199, it’s a sign of insulin resistance. If it’s above 200 it’s a sign of diabetes.
Here’s another problem I just thought about.
Even though I have good insulin sensitivity and can tolerate a good amount of carbs, i still get slightly bloated after consuming carbs?