I am trying to lose weight, which workout method on here is the best to use? From what I’ve read on this site, Meltdown Training and Lactic Acid Interval Training look to be the best. Is there another method that is better?
I am reconstructing my diet, so I know that will be a factor in losing weight. I appreciate anyone and everyone’s advice.
[quote]jmirelez wrote:
Waterbury’s Summer Program was great. I lost about 9 lbs. and three inches off of the waist.
Plus after being away from a gym for almost a year; this program helped get my conditioning ready for Meltdown.[/quote]
Sounds good jmirelez. Have you completed Meltdown Training? If you have, how was it? I am looking to lose a considerable amount of weight (75 pounds), would you recommend Summer Program or Meltdown? Thanks for your advice.
[/quote]It’s actually the jump rope that I’ve found tough.
Unfortunately, I’ll have to end the program because I need to hit the road for a few days, but I lost ~4 pounds, and my work capacity went up, so I have to give it the thumbs-up. I’ve been doing Berardi’s “Don’t Diet” (Massive Eating at a caloric deficit) in conjunction with 10x3fFL, and I’m jumping back in next week around Wendesday.
Most importantly, I’m actually trying to work the jump rope into my future programs, as it’s such a good beat-down.