I’ve been training hard and seriously for 8 months now and while I’ve made some excellent progress, I am pushing for more.
I have consistency, working hard and time imprinted on my brain. I know strength takes time and I’m now in for the next 10 years.
However I’m interested to know if there were any turning points or cross roads in your lifting that allowed you to really kick on and improve. Be it nurtition, frequency, technique. Was there a moment when things really clicked into place?
Hard work will trump just about any other variable. When I started training for powerlifting, my program was inconsistant and not very well thought out. I still trained really hard and made progress even though I was still playing college football and acting like a stupid college kid for most of spare time.
Take the time to learn the technique and learn what your weaknesses are. Once you figure out what you suck at, read, watch videos, talk to people stronger than you, and learn every single thing you possibly can on how to make it so you don’t suck at it anymore. The sooner you do, the better off you will be later on.
Keep with it man. I have been lifting weights for a little over 13 years now. I am just starting to make sense of this stuff.