We all know that the good morning is a great exercise that builds a ton of strength in the entire posterior chain. However, there are many different variations of this awesome exercise.
I personally have only done them with a straight bar to parallel and a narrow stance with knees slightly bent. I usually do sets of 5 and try to go up 10 pounds every week or two. I have had decent carryover from these.
So my question is… What GM variation and type of routine has had the best carryover to the deadlift for you guys?
Details would be great. (bar type, seated or standing, knees bent or straight, ROM, arched back or rounded back, rep range, progression scheme)
I’ve really only used two ways of performing GMs in my training. One way I use it very often is part of my warm up for squats. I use a close/narrow stance, an ever so slight bend in the knees, regular barbell, and a light weight. These seem to work very well for me to loosen up my hamstrings as I am usually a tight ass rubber band when I first get into the gym. My warm up before performing squats is at least 10-15 minutes usually.
When performing them as an actual working set, I usually just use my normal squat stance, which is a medium stance 9 times out of 10. I carry a little more bend in the knees than when warming up. I hear/see some people going really heavy with them, I’ve never found it beneficial for me, as I usally cheat the fuck out of it then and it no longer seems like a good morning any more.
I have played around with different stances, and I have personally found just setting up like a squat as I normally would has had more benefit as well. I wouldn’t call any of these the “best,” its just what works for me.
The one or ones that improves your squat and/or your deadlift the most. Me personally, bent knee, straight bar, high bar position with a medium stance in flat shoes with just little low back rounding (but controlled of course).
edit: The rep range that worked best for me was 3-5x5. High rep GM’ing didn’t do anything and neither did heavy triples.
I do two variations. 1) Mostly I use a a semi-narrow or hip-width with slight knee bend and maintain a little arch for sets of 5-8. I feel this has the best carry-over for my squats. 2) Alot of folks may laugh, but every few weeks I will throw in single-leg good mornings. The most I have ever done on these is like 135 though. They trash my glutes and hamstrings though. If my back is a little fried, and I need to hit my hams and need a little stability, then I go with these. They take a great deal of concentration. Neutral spine, slight knee-bend.
I like sumo GM’s for hitting my hams. I’ll switch to narrow stance (feet touching together) if I feel lower back tightness caused by hamstring tightness. Nothing stretches my hams better.
[quote]Testy1 wrote:
Obviously a strong sumbitch but that looks like a block disc in the making.
Considering Chuckie is in his 50s and still squatting 1,000+…I don’t know what you are talking about.[/quote]
Right…and there are people out there who survive severe car crashes without wearing their seat belts…doesn’t mean we should go tell every kid not to wear their seat belts anymore. For most people on this site, that form is an invitation to injury and not strongly advised if you want to still be at it into your 50s.
[quote]Testy1 wrote:
Obviously a strong sumbitch but that looks like a block disc in the making.
Considering Chuckie is in his 50s and still squatting 1,000+…I don’t know what you are talking about.[/quote]
Right…and there are people out there who survive severe car crashes without wearing their seat belts…doesn’t mean we should go tell every kid not to wear their seat belts anymore. For most people on this site, that form is an invitation to injury and not strongly advised if you want to still be at it into your 50s. [/quote]
Are you suggesting that one of the GREATEST powerlifters of all time got to that fame DESPITE his training methods? Mind you, I hate people that say “Unless you can lift that amount of weight, you cannot give advice”, but I still don’t understand what is so horribly bad with his form. Anyone with better understanding of human biology please chime in. Are we getting upset because of some lower back rounding? What’s next, wanna squat instead of bent over when picking up the newspaper?
I could see issues arising if one does not use the proper load and volume for their experience and/or for those with pre-existing conditions… but tell me an exercise where that’s not true lol
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
I could see issues arising if one does not use the proper load and volume for their experience and/or for those with pre-existing conditions… but tell me an exercise where that’s not true lol[/quote]
Exactly! Don’t forget - squatting hurts your knees and deadlifting will cripple you by the time you are 30…wait, is this the powerlifting forum?
[quote]Testy1 wrote:
Obviously a strong sumbitch but that looks like a block disc in the making.
Considering Chuckie is in his 50s and still squatting 1,000+…I don’t know what you are talking about.[/quote]
Right…and there are people out there who survive severe car crashes without wearing their seat belts…doesn’t mean we should go tell every kid not to wear their seat belts anymore. For most people on this site, that form is an invitation to injury and not strongly advised if you want to still be at it into your 50s. [/quote]
Are you suggesting that one of the GREATEST powerlifters of all time got to that fame DESPITE his training methods? Mind you, I hate people that say “Unless you can lift that amount of weight, you cannot give advice”, but I still don’t understand what is so horribly bad with his form. Anyone with better understanding of human biology please chime in. Are we getting upset because of some lower back rounding? What’s next, wanna squat instead of bent over when picking up the newspaper?[/quote]
You’ve kinda missed my point I think. And judging by your tone here and with your last post you’ve already made a set of assumptions that any further discussion on my part would be lost on you I believe.
In simple terms: strong ass motherfucker, not ideal form, not for everyone.