I tried coromega, but it wasn’t in powder form. The kind I tried came in a gel-type form, and was flavored. Supposedly it’s pretty high quality, but the pakcets I was getting it in weren’t worth it compared to capsules or liquid.
Anyone here use MRM’s NeuroDHA? Poliquin recommends it as it contains more DHA than EPA, which I believe is unlike the other brands.
The coromega comes in gel form in small packets. It even comes in flavors. The orange was pretty good. A doctor I train gives me his sample boxes. I guess they’re marketing to doctors offices. Even wholesale it comes out to 15 bucks per 12 packets. Lets rip off an untapped market- sick old poeple. sad.
That was a good question. I did a little research. He wrote the best selling book on arthritis ever published. “Arthritis & Common Sense” (over 1 million sold.) I found refrences to him as “Nutrtional expert way ahead of his time.” He recommended-suprise; fish oils in ones diet espec. for arthritis. He died at age 70 in 1990. Perhaps he helped pioneer fish oil supplemtation? I have not found out why Twinlabs named the product(s) after him. I e-mailed TwinLab we will see what they say…
Check out Omega-3 caps at Trader Joe’s. Inexpensive, but highest concentrations I’ve found, plus they are available locally (to me, anyway). TJ’s also has great prices on bars, since they sell more bars than anyone in the country. It’s like a small discount Whole Foods/Wild Oats.
I find it hard to believe they have higher amounts than the Twim Max EPA Capsules. (TwinEAP have 800mg of EPA/DHA per cap!) Be carful with fish oil products in my search for Alexander facts I found many ratings and articles talking about how LOTS of fish oil supplements are very poor quality.
I like the Twin EPA the best, as JW said no one else has the concentration or the quality.
Consumerlabs.com indicates that the Member’s Mark shit from Sam’s passed their quality tests, and from what calculations I’ve done, it doesn’t get any cheaper than that: about sevent cents per gram of EPA/DHA.