"Best" Exercises You Rarely See Others Doing in the Gym

I don’t see a problem and I actually really like them. I have read that the twisting motion doesn’t really do anything extra for your shoulders but I like the larger ROM it allows you to have.

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Ah, I see. So far I like them, I really feel my shoulders afterwards. But I guess good form is relatively important when doing these, as you rotate your shoulder as well.

That’s likely. Contrary to @cyclonengineer, Arnold presses, along with upright rows, messed up my shoulders, to the extent I couldn’t press without pain for years. They affect each person differently, but I recommend you closely observe how your shoulders feel during after the exercise.

I rarely see people doing:

  • Forearm exercises. Wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, standing with a barbell behind the back wrist rolls-to-curls (I only know of that exercise because I saw someone doing it once.) I rarely see people doing any type of forearm or grip training.
  • Deadlifts. The majority of lifters here don’t appear to do any variety of deadlifts.
  • Calf exercises of any kind. I fall into this group at times, too.
  • Pull-ups. I’ve only gone to mainstream-type gyms, and many of the regulars are fit and muscular. That said, I see more people doing pulldowns than chin-ups and pull-ups.
  • Walking. All cardio really, but walking specifically is fundamental to life and proven to confer a litany of positive effects, yet the overwhelming majority of lifters here don’t appear to walk regularly.

Guillotine decline bench. Best upper-chest exercise there is. Have literally never seen anyone do it.

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Have you ever tried doing the decline press with a McDonald bar? Better ROM.

Food for thought - thank you for sharing that.

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I never did, no. I use DBs exclusively now (shoulder issues), and can say definitively that, given my current ROM, a McDonald bar would be superfluous.

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Navy seal burpees

Combine these with chin ups and you are talking god tier mass building


I do these routinely

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Walking isn’t even exercise is it?

It’s a basic human function

The fact it’s even considered exercise nowadays is a sad indictment on society


That was my sole cardio exercise to burn fat when I was preparing for a contest in my 40’s. Though it was fairly fast, but not so fast that I couldn’t talk because of lack of sufficient oxygen.

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Walking is a great exercise if you are doing 3 to 4 mph for 5 miles at least 5 days a week

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#1 rarest exercise seen in the gym: putting the freeweights/plates back where they belong.


I’m a massive convert. I have been doing Z carries for a while and played rugby. I’m gonna be fair the carry over for sports took my by surprise.
I legitimately picked a player up in my arms.

I find my drive to get my hips under the weight is just better now. Like I can power under and then through anything.


forearm work. wrist curls, reverse curls.

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Just finished training for this morning and was doing some neck work. Occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else ever do direct neck work. I remember when I first pulled my neck harness out at my old gym and I’m sure some people thought it was part of a gimp outfit

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Overhead squats, zercher anything. Looks painful as hell. Bent press

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There are so massive people at my gym (a few very good body builders) but I’d say I very rarely see people just squat at my gym. They deadlift, trap bar deadlift, lunges, front squats and all sorts but not many just doing a conventional back squat.

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