As many of you already know I’m only 115-120 lbs—damn bathroom scale never gives me a straight answer.
I was wondering what would be the best dialed in routine for gaining muscle mass with eitehr OVT or the Ian King series.
My only problem is figuring out a good diet.
Should I continue with t-dawg2 and just up all the macros accordingly?
Has this been succesful for people?
Or what about the Chanko Diet? Does this help?
Yes I’ve just read the newly updated Diet Manifesto as well as the old one but I would respect the opinion and advise of anyone who offers it.
Also, I know carbs and proteins are needed in seriously high amounts for bulking but what about fats? Should they be increased above diet level?
hey serg…read the post that some one just left… i believe the title is “want to gain LBM?” its a massive eating plan and he has a pretty good sample menu set up with between 5400-6000 cals…
However Sergious,
even though the above thread “wanna gain lbm” is a good one, I would advise you NOT to follow it, only because you have never eaten that many calories before. If minimizing fat gain is a concern for you, increasing your total cal intake to 5000-6000 would more than likely just facilitate in you putting more fat than lbm. I would suggest looking into Massive Eating and using the calculations JB provides and figure how many cals you should be eating. And I am sure I will not be the only one who recommends this diet for you. Good luck
On my article want to gain lbm you could follow that but, just cut out one section from each meal i.e.
Each meal has an a, b, and c in front of them. Instead of eating a, b and c just eat your two favorites. That should cut about 1000-1500 cals? Don’t mix and match though, just pick your fav two things from each meal. Peace