what would be the benifits i used one yesterday and it hit my quads alot more on a box any thoughts?
Just anohter tool. I use mine for GMs. I will use it for squats if my shoulders are feeling a little beat up and my camber bar isn’t enough relief.
Would also be good for lunges or maybe walking around crazybell style.
the safety bar changes the leverages and basically pulls you forward thus recruiting more upper back/back more than a regular bar would
When used while hanging on to a rack, it is a good accessory exercise after squats- much as you would use leg presses to gte in a little more volume after your trashed your back in squat session.
When used holding the bar- two schools of thought on this:
It teaches you to squat more upright. This because the camber and the bar postition magnify the forward-dumping effect of squatting with some lean.
Alternatively, it makes your back strong as fuck because the camber and the bar postition magnify the forward-dumping effect of squatting with some lean.
i like the sound of making my back strong as fuck, usually when i box sqaut its very wide and hits my hips and hams more but when i used this i think becausei was so upright it hit my quads alot more, i like it