[quote]ds1973 wrote:
Paragon, Nice improvement!
Related to the body comp question, what have you been doing diet wise? Did you just add the peri-workout protocol (finibars, SWF & SR) and keep everything else the same (daily calories, macro ratios)? Were you carb cycling at all and working these in as the only extra carbs on workouts?
Diet changes:
I started to use the protocl early June. First, I just reduced my carb intake aside from the protocol and added 5 x 5g leucine to my diet.
After 4 weeks or so I made some major changes in my diet and strated protein pulsing. First, I used 10g Leucine followed by 30g hydrolized Whey 15 minutes later. I now use 10g Leucine followed by 20g hydrolized casein. I will switch to Anaconda / MAG-10 as soon as available.
This is how my diet looks like:
Protein Pulse (10g Leu / 20g hCY)
30 min later:
8 egg whites, 2 yolks, 250-300g fruit, Biotest Superfood
Protein Pulse
Peri-Workout Nutrition / Workout
(2 FINiBARS, 2 SWF, 2SR, another FINiBAR, hCY, hCY 60 min after wo)
NOTE: I use 150% of the above during deloading weeks, since I want supercompensation to happen then (3 FB, 3 SWF, 3 SR…)
60 min later:
250g chicken breast, 200 green veggies, 3 Flameout, 100g whole wheat pasta
Protein Pulse (solid meal 15 min later)
250g beef, 200g green veggies, 3 Flameout, 5g olive oil, 400g sweet potatoes
Late Evening:
Metabolic Drive Bar, 2 scoops Metabolid Drive, 300g probiotic Yoghurt
This is a workout day. I work out 4-5 days a week.
The other days I do the following, which I believe is a big part of my success:
On mondays (non-wo day) I have a LOW PROTEIN, low calorie day. I only eat around 1000 calories on mondays and 60 grams of protein. This is very little for me!
I believe that my entire endocrine system really gets primed through that day and Tue and Wed are the most anabolic days of my week!
On Thursdays (non-wo day) I have a low-carb day. It’s like a workout day. I just add 20g more fat (fish oil, olive oil) and drop the carb sources. This makes it also a day with pretty little calories. Again, I believe this improves anabolism of the other days of the week.
I allow myself 2 “free meals” a week. That usually means going out for dinner with my girlfriend on Saturdays and maybe having a piece of cake on Sunday afternoons at my parents place.
That’s it.
If you want further information, feel free to ask/pm me any time.