[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
cueball wrote:
This is one of the most confusing posts I’ve ever seen. Please clarify.
-do warm up sets at the weight you are lifting, then you say none of them should be at 65kg, which is what he lifts for his first working set.
-warm-up sets should be 10% or less of work weight, but then you say 50-75% is better. WTF? So which one do you recommend, 10% or 50-75%?
Sorry you didn’t follow it. He is giving us his weight in kilograms, that might be part of the confusion, on this post I will just use pounds.
He workouts with 155 lbs for like 5 sets of 10 or whatever. So I would suggest doing 2 warm-up sets
Warm-up Set 1 - 95 x 12
Warm-up Set 2 - 125 x 8
Then do his works sets of 155.
Your warm-up weight should not be within 10% of your work set weight, ie it should not be more than 90% of what you are going to lift, if it is then it is no longer a warm-up and simply an easier work set. For this guy that means warming up with 140 or more is too heavy. Choosing a weight between 50-75% of your first work set is better (instead of 90-95% like he was doing). Clear now?[/quote]
Great. Thanks for being condescending and making it sound like it was a comprehension issue, not the other way around. Had you explained it like this the first tme, it would have been clear. And it had nothing to do with kilo vs pounds. It was the % calls.
Your first post says, and I quote: " Warm-ups should be pretty much always be 10% or less than your work sets". Besides the fact that this is the worst sentence ever written, 10% of 155 is 15.5, not 95.
You correct yourself in your second post by saying it should be less than 90%. that’s a big fucking difference, dude. And definitely not a comprehension issue. Next time write it the way you ment it.
LOL at: -should be pretty much always be-. Yeah, sorry I didn’t follow that nonsense writing.