Hi Coach, hope you are well at the time of this correspondence. Would you consider Bench Press Throws to be an effective activation exercise for the Upper body? I am currently using a Med ball for supine chest throws, but find the ball does not stay in the same vertical throwing trajectory.
It can be, if you don’t kill yourself.
Think about it: you have a hard time throwing the ball in a straight line… why would you be able to do it with a bar? Unless you want to use a Smith machine, in which case, yeah, it’s safer and will work. But don’t go too heavy, the goal is not to see how much weight can leave your hands but to produce max speed with a light/moderate load
I was remiss in mentioning of utilising a Smith Machine to perform the exercise, using 20-30 percent of 1RM Bench Press.
That looks good
Coach, i was doing some online research and found this version of the Bench Press throw. What is your opinion on this iteration of the exercise?
I’m sure you could do it. Honestly it is activation so take the one that you can explode the most with the most control and safety (have you tried plyo push-up?)