Behind The Vines 11/09/01

Sup T-fuh-reaks! Golly, I’ve been busy. Not much quality postin’ time, but now I have some so I thought I’d lay down an update on tha Monkey Madness. I’m halfway through the M3 (Mad Monkey Mass) program. I picked up 8 pounds of lean mass on my Androsol/Nandrosol stack and I’m now doing GVT (staying in a 6-8 rep range) and a cycle of Tribex and Methoxy. Methoxy is by far my favorite Biotest supplement, I have done two cycles now and I can always feel muscle hardening within the first week. Speaking of hardening, I’ve yet to encounter the raging libido factor that Tribex is supposed to provide (good thing since I’m currently single).

I cordially invite any of you in the NYC area to see me in a sociodrama production at John Jay College (440 west 59th street between 9th and 10th ave.) The production is called “Tales From the Concrete Jungle” and features short scenes about issues with heavy societal impact (drug abuse, sexual assault, ect.) I have a major role in two of the productions (Wed. Nov 21, at 5:00 pm and Wed. Nov. 28, at 6:25 pm.) It’d be kickass to have some support from my T-family from which I’ve been estranged lately, not willingly so. Lata.

MB Eric: "Never fail when chasin' his tail since 1242."


Nice to hear from you, MB. Tribex probably isn’t working for you too well because of your age. It’s great for old guys like me, though! (P.S. Check out the “Biceps Peak” thread…it’s good for a laugh.)