I am starting out with the jump rope. Of course it is very difficult but what I want to know is there a startingh routine that I can use to develop a base? Hopping around off and on for 15 minutes(what I do now seems unorganized) Lets just say that I suck and I need a routine. What has worked for you? Thanks for the help.
Renegade Rope Training by Coach Davies is what I have been using. I say check that out. I just did a search and it was in Issue #174 of T-Mag.
I’ll freely admit that I couldn’t even do 3 minute rounds when I first started using Renegade Rope training. Play with the work:rest intervals initially. If you have to, just do 1 minute jump followed by 1 minute rest (and repeat for the total recommended 9 minutes of jumping). Do that for 1 week, and then add 30 seconds each week to the jump interval, until you are at the prescribed 3 minutes jump and 1 minute rest. “So what” if it takes 4 weeks to get there…at least you’ll get there and be in better shape than most!
I agree with Patricia and would add that most people can’t do the 3 mins each ‘round’ straight off but would do say 1.30 or whatever per round and then build up and then add variations (high knees, arm crossovers etc) to up the intensity.
Jeremy is right on. 3 minutes is brutal at first and by easing into it slowly as Jeremy mentioned, you will do great.
Whoa, hey! I didn’t just begin the whole Renegade jumping overnight! If I did, I’d be sometype of super human studdette! From heavy bag training, I’ve learned to take it in “little steps”. As was said in the Renegade Rope training article, there is a huge learning curve! So, YES - all that was said above is correct!
This might sound stupid but are you jumping rope or skipping rope in the renegade plan. When I skip I do a couple small hops on one foot then alternate.
Definitely check out the article that the lovely Patricia posted. It will give you several foot pattern variations. To specifically answer your question, I jump (2 feet), as I have not been working on it enough lately to work on the patterns.