Beginner's Questions

  1. How can I avoid grip failure during deadlifts?
    ( The grip in my left hand is failing me before anything else. Most people I’ve spoke with, just tell me to keep it up, it’ll get better and do more Farmer’s Walks to improve grip. Anything else to add? )

  2. Times-of-the-day for Protein, Fish Oil and Multi-Vitamins?
    ( What are the best times to take supplements during the day? Are they best taken with nothing, water or meals? Or does it even matter? )

  3. Bicep exercises give me wrist pain after, again, suggestions?
    ( When I put down the weight I feel a good shot of pain in the wrists. Any solutions?)

  4. How can I improve my Stifflegged Dumbbell Deadlift form?
    ( I’m getting this exercise wrong. Is there some videos out there of proper form for this exercise? )

  5. Alternatives for Standing Calf Raises?
    ( We don’t have anything designed for standing calf raises at my new gym. Do you suggest just racking up the weight on a squat rack or smith and using that for standing calf raises? or something else?

  6. Milk.
    ( Milk is for babies, sure we hear people say the Arnold line a lot. I also hear people say drink whole milk when bulking, and for people cutting, drink skim. Okay, I’m bulking. Drink whole or something else?)

Thanks. Of course, I’d love if you’re experienced in answering these or if you can source experienced references. Just playing it smart.

  • TJ
    Now if you’ll excuse me I have a lunch meeting with Cliff Huxatable at the Four Seasons in twenty minutes.

Keep going +farmers walks is good advice for grip. has good excercise form vids

The leg press is good for calves

Whole milk is good.


[quote]TimothyJamesF wrote:

  1. How can I avoid grip failure during deadlifts?
    ( The grip in my left hand is failing me before anything else. Most people I’ve spoke with, just tell me to keep it up, it’ll get better and do more Farmer’s Walks to improve grip. Anything else to add? )[/quote]

Use a mixed-grip. Use chalk. If you must, you can use straps until you get strong enough to handle the weight.

[quote]2. Times-of-the-day for Protein, Fish Oil and Multi-Vitamins?
( What are the best times to take supplements during the day? Are they best taken with nothing, water or meals? Or does it even matter? )[/quote]

Eat protein with every meal. Best time to use protein shakes would be breakfast, post-workout and prior to bed. But you can always use whole food at those times as well (except for post-workout - a shake works best).

Take your fish oil with meals spread throughout the day.

Multivitamin can be taken in the morning or post-workout with food.

Other supplements will tell you whether to take with food or not

[quote]3. Bicep exercises give me wrist pain after, again, suggestions?
( When I put down the weight I feel a good shot of pain in the wrists. Any solutions?)[/quote]

Find biceps exercises that don’t cause wrist pain. Close-grip chins. Dumbbell hammer curls. EZ bar curls instead of barbell curls. Dumbbells instead of barbells, etc. Try different exercises. Or do some wrist exercises. Or suck it up and deal with it.

[quote]4. How can I improve my Stifflegged Dumbbell Deadlift form?
( I’m getting this exercise wrong. Is there some videos out there of proper form for this exercise? )[/quote]

Do a search for exercises over at in their exercise database. Or search online.

[quote]5. Alternatives for Standing Calf Raises?
( We don’t have anything designed for standing calf raises at my new gym. Do you suggest just racking up the weight on a squat rack or smith and using that for standing calf raises? or something else?[/quote]

You can do them in the smith machine or with a free standing barbell on your back. You can do seated or donkey calf raises.

[quote]6. Milk.
( Milk is for babies, sure we hear people say the Arnold line a lot. I also hear people say drink whole milk when bulking, and for people cutting, drink skim. Okay, I’m bulking. Drink whole or something else?)[/quote]

Raw milk is best. Orangic milk is second best. Regular whole milk is third best and will depend on whether you are lactose intolerant or not. If too much milk gives you gas or other digestive problems, then don’t drink so much of it.

I’m not a fan of milk, but many others love it. There are always other foods you can eat (cottage cheese, eggs, meat, protein powders) to get your protein each day. It shouldn’t be that hard to get 1-2 grams of protein per pound of muscle mostly through whole food.


Thanks Nate Dogg and Cprimero for your replies!! The advice helped a lot! Thanks for the site link too!