I’ve been putting off starting one of these for a while, but here goes nothing.
Been pretty sedentary much of my life. Not sure why but I got it into my head that the gym was a place where all the fit, athletic people would be found and I was far to self-conscious to venture there.
About 5 years ago I suffered compression fractures to my spine, ankles, and feet. 30% loss in anterior height L/T junction. Right foot: Burst calcaneus, sub-talar fusion (screw), Mid-foot compartment syndrome. Deformed from the compartment syndrome and current dislocations in mid-foot. Left foot / ankle: Tibia fracture close to ankle (plate and screws), navicular dislocation. In both cases: Midfoot instability (unable to run), not much ankle dorsiflexion, not much side to side movement (trouble walking on unstable terrain).
32 years old. 5’7. 60kg(plus or minus depending on time of month etc). Don’t know bodyfat.
Joined the gym about 15 months ago because I was feeling very decrepit and decided it was time to do something about it. Machine weights for 3 months, Dumbbell free weights for 3 months, and then I got it into my head that I wanted to do the olympic lifts.
Mostly because it is a symbol of flexibility, mobility, and strength for me. I figure I’ll have made good gains on all if I can actually do them with proper form. Wasn’t sure whether it would be possible for me or not, but decided that I wanted to try.
Found myself a coach a while back.
Still very much making beginners gains. Doing a combination of general strength / olympic lifting technique. Ramping and autoregulating. Have trouble not going to the gym / taking things easy. Currently doing something like this:
Clean Pulls / Powerclean: 8x3 (up to 40kg). 42.5kg 1RM.
Standing Press: 5x5 (25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg (need a couple push-presses here), 27.5kg, 25kg)
Front Squat: about 25 reps. One set 5, sets 3, up to heavy singles, two back off sets of 3). 40kg 1RM
(My squat is weak because of dorsiflexion issues. Have oly shoes but still need to stand on 2.5kg plates for additional lift and have a slightly wider than usual stance. Still feel like I’m figuring things out, really. And long femurs. Damn them.)
Push Ups: Ladders. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Aiming to get to 10 and back.
Abs: Working on TVA activation with planks / stability ball planks. Want to progress to roll-outs.
Snatch Pulls / Powersnatch: 8x3 (up to 25kg). 27.5kg 1RM
Snatch: Doubles 20kg, 22.5kg. Singles 25kg. 27.5kg. 30kg 1RM (sometimes!)
Romanian Deadlift: Just started after recovering from overuse injury with regular deadlifts / vigorous lumbar spine rolling. Bit wary of deadlifts now. And lumbar spine rolling. Still learning form on this one and taking it easy. 5x5. 40kg, 50kg, 50kg, 50kg, 40kg.
Standing Bent Over Rows: Working hard on form to get good lat activation. 5x5. 35kg top set.
Lat Pull Down / Play with Chin-Up Bar: Ditto on form. Pull Downs trying to get good activation. Think I’m cheating on the Bar (even on flexed arm hang). It makes me very sad (or sometimes mad) that I can’t do a proper chin-up yet.
Abs: Ditto.
Alternate for 6 or 7 days a week. Or to be fair I usually mess around more on the weekend rather than following the program (doing some flying on the AMT or working flexibility / mobility). Still very much making beginners gains. Anyway, there it is for now.
- Quit smoking. Been a battle over the last year. 3 months longest quit. I WILL GET THERE!!! I know it is a problem with sets of 5 are feeling like an endurance event.
- Get serious about nutrition and sleep. Been learning about nutrition. Am intermittently pretty good (to the best of my knowledge) but sometimes revert to crap. Will start keeping a food log.
- Snatch 35kg (smallest bumpers on the womens oly bar)
- Clean (squat clean) 35kg. This requires me sorting out the transition from pull to catch (where the pull doesn’t want additional heel lift and a narrow stance while the catch wants additional heel lift and a wider stance). Maybe I can learn to jump from no plates out to the plates. That doesn’t sound like such a good idea… Sigh. Need to figure this out.
Well, thats me. For now.