Beginner - Program Help Required

Right, I’ll be honest and say that while I’ve been reading back through the posts and articles for the past 24 hours I seem to be even more confused than I was before, I’ve got information overload!

I finally received my application form for the Police this morning which coincided nicely with me deciding to get my arse into gear.

The main problem I have is where to start?

I can’t get too big as I still need to run fast and for relatively long distances, I need to be strong for obvious reasons but I’m also getting married in March so I need to look good.

I train on my own so it’s mainly dumbbell work but I also like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups etc & I’d like to give cleans a try.

I’m pretty much starting out afresh so any/all advice on a well structured program is welcome.



Have you read through the two stickied posts at the top of this forum? I’d be surprised if you were still confused after reading those. Read all the articles they link to as well. There are further links to good beginner’s programs in there.

Thanks Blooey, I have read the posts/articles but there seems to be quite a few programs recommended for beginners with contradictory information between them.

Should I just choose one that I think will work for me and try it for a month?

[quote]Keyser Soze wrote:
Thanks Blooey, I have read the posts/articles but there seems to be quite a few programs recommended for beginners with contradictory information between them.

Should I just choose one that I think will work for me and try it for a month?[/quote]

yes in the begining everything works. just make sure all your lifts are going up everyweek. eat alot cleanly. try massive eating by beradi. keep a trining log and diet log. make sure you gain weight and strngth everyweek. otherwise soemthing is wrong. getting bigger doesnt make you slower its a myth.

Thanks Bud.

I’ve about 28-30lbs of fat on my body at the moment and I’m hoping to shed this while building a foundation that I can work on.

I think I’ll be going with the Chad Waterbury TBT plan as I prefer compound exercises and 3 days a week is ideal as it allows me plenty of time for HIIT/Sprints.

[quote]Keyser Soze wrote:
Thanks Bud.

I’ve about 28-30 of fat on my body at the moment and I’m hoping to shed this while building a foundation that I can work on.

I think I’ll be going with the Chad Waterbury TBT plan as I prefer compound exercises and 3 days a week is ideal as it allows me plenty of time for HIIT/Sprints.


I think that the 28-30% of body fat is a way bigger concern for your running over and above any amount of bulk you might collect through lifting. If the requirements for police in your area are anywhere as (not) stringent as those in mine, you can feel free to become a monster.

Sorry Jedidiah, should have said lbs, not bf%.

It’s the injuries that stopped me training.

It’s just a shame that the new draft of applications came through just as I’ve been given the all clear to start training again.

[quote]Keyser Soze wrote:
Sorry Jedidiah, should have said lbs, not bf%.

It’s the injuries that stopped me training.

It’s just a shame that the new draft of applications came through just as I’ve been given the all clear to start training again.[/quote]

What are the exact running requirements? 2 in 16 min? 2 in 14 min?

[quote]jedidiah wrote:

What are the exact running requirements? 2 in 16 min? 2 in 14 min?[/quote]

Believe it or not it’s not even that.

10 mins of shuttle runs.

I don’t know if they have the beep test in the US? But you have to reach Level 5.4 which shouldn’t be a problem as I play a lot of 5-a-side football so (despite the weight) I have pretty good stamina so it’s just a case of sharpening up.

[quote]Keyser Soze wrote:
jedidiah wrote:

What are the exact running requirements? 2 in 16 min? 2 in 14 min?

Believe it or not it’s not even that.

10 mins of shuttle runs.

I don’t know if they have the beep test in the US? But you have to reach Level 5.4 which shouldn’t be a problem as I play a lot of 5-a-side football so (despite the weight) I have pretty good stamina so it’s just a case of sharpening up.

I remember doing the beep test in high school. I have no idea what the hell level I made it to. I just remember this one soccer player doing it for what seemed to be an absolutely ridiculous length of time and never missing a beep.