I am just curious what everyone else thinks. Say you devoted a lot of time to getting better at golf. Would it be that hard to get to the PGA tour or Buy.com for someone that is already pretty decent at golf, just doesnn’t have the time to work on the finer parts of the game? I think I could do it if I put enough time into it. What does everyone else think?
Go for it man. My brother and I play a lot, but he’s much better, like a 6-handicap. However, I know this: I have been to several pro tourneys, and these guys aren’t just good, they’re on a whole other planet than non-tour players. You know it’s tough to get on the tour when guys spend yrs on the Nike tour, ect., and never get their pro card and they are already like a +1 handicap!
When you say “already pretty decent” what do you actually mean? How old are you? How does your game compare now stat wise, in particular areas eg fairways hit, GIR, putting % of GIR, scrambling, those are the real important ones. I used to play with a lot of guys who turned pro who were REAL good as amateurs and struggled for years actually losing money. A great example would be Phil Tautarangi who won on the PGA tour last weekend, made the NZ World Amateur team at 16, top individual at World Amateur teams tournament in 1992 (US team included David Duval & Justin Leonard), won NZ amateur by a mile, turned pro and qualified for PGA Tour then took 9 years to win, sure he had some health issues along the way but lots of guys struggle. I don’t want to pour cold water on a dream, just being realistic, they don’t use the phrase “these guys are good” for nothing.