Do beans and lentils have phtyo-estrogens?
NZRI- Based on your other posts you seem very concerned with T-levels, estrogens etc. Yet, you’re a vegetarian. That just seems ironic since being a veg seriously hamstrings your bodybuilding goals. Sure, some have done it but they were also juicing a lot, and we ain’t talking carrot juice. Every nutrition expert out there in this field, Serrano, DiPasquale, Berardi, etc, all laugh when a vegetarian question comes up. It’s like saying, “I want to be a professional rock climber but my religion/lifestyle choice demands that I weigh 300 pounds.” The two just don’t go together, like vegetarianism and bodybuilding. I don’t know why you’re a veg and I don’t mean to be rude, just pointing out a few things that seem to contradict each other. Checkout
I echo TEK’S sentiments.Some guys may be able to avoid animal products and still progress,but you are making life unecessarily harder for yourself if you are vegetarian.
As for beans and legumes contain phytates,which bind to minerals and reduce their absorption by the body.Affected minerals include zinc znd magnesium-these minerals are very important to hormone levels and muscular has a pretty good expose’ on these items,as well as grains.