Its interesting to see this posted, as I just finished something similar. I ran BBS for 3 back to back cycles for Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. I used BBB for Press. After the 3 cycles I deloaded, then did a Training Max Test Week, then ran 3/5/1, then worked up to my openers week before the meet, then only did a 5’s week of bench and squat the week of the competition (this last Saturday on January the 20th).
I last competed about 8 months ago and for this meet I was roughly 15 pounds lighter.
Bodyweight: dropped from 250 to 233.
Deadlift: 570 ----> 605, like yourself I found that my deadlift responds very well to this type of volume. I have actually ran BBS before this and found I responded well to it, so I was excited to see if it would continue. I think part of this success is due to better technical setup at the bottom of the lift due to fat loss, but regardless the higher volume helped.
Squat: my best is 560 in a meet, however at the start of this programming cycle I could only squat 500 for 1. At the meet I hit 550, and felt I could have gone heavier. BBS actually helped me relearn how to squat. Losing weight seemed to change my leverages and it basically felt like I had to relearn how to squat. The volume helped me grease the groove so to speak and figure out what felt best.
Bench: I matched my all time PR of 325. I screwed up on my second attempt, but I now see it was purely technical and again felt I could have gone a bit heavier. I am not sure where my strength level was exactly with bench press but I started BBS with a 85% TM of 275lbs. I don’t feel like my Bench responded particularly better, and I found the training sessions particularly boring. Probably will try something else here in the future.
Press: Here I ran BBB. I hit a 215 for a single before the meet. My best is 230 at a higher bodyweight, but I think at the time I started the programming I could barely push 190 for a single. My press day was more of a bodybuilding day and trying to build up the smaller muscle groups with hypertrophy. Not amazing progress, but I didn’t expect it to blow up.
All in all it think my squat and deadlift responded best to this level of volume. The bench press I am not so sure about.
I will echo you in that Deadlift day is vicious. Particularly when you are doing 80% of your Training Max for 10 sets of 5. That is without a doubt the most challenging lifting I have ever done.