Barbell vs. Dumbbell

On a flat bench, I can handle about 100lbs total (2 25 lb. plates plus the bar) pretty easily with a barbell. If I do the same exercise with dumbbells, I really start to struggle at about 35lb dumbbells (70 lb total).

Is it normal to only be handle 70% of the weight when using dumbbells vs. barbells? Should I focus on dumbbells for awhile to get my dumbbell weight equal to barbell weight

This is normal.

Dumbbell work is always harder since you the stabilizers need to do a lot more work. Your barbell weights most probably will always be higher than dumbbells.

I guess you have a bar that weighs nothing… I would like to see this thing.

[quote]Boridi wrote:
I guess you have a bar that weighs nothing… I would like to see this thing.


??? didnt he say 2 25s plus bar equals about 100???

Think he thought you meant 2 25s on each side. 2 25 plates + bar makes 95.

Either that. Or he used that bar that I used a few times that weighs nothing… it’s called the “Smith Machine Bar”. The tension on the bar restricts gravity, not a bad idea for some movements.

Wait, that bar weighs 45?! Feels like 20… I thought I was messed up for having a higher dumbell than barbell heh.

So yeah, it’s normal. :wink: Although it’s better to use more dumbell than barbell yah?

I’m as weak as crap but I can lift about 80% of my bench press with 2 dumbells in the same position. Probably because I don’t do much barbell pressing for spotter/rack reasons.