Barbell Hack Squats...

A couple of weeks ago i incorporated hack squats to my quad/glute training. Reason is i wanted to hit quads in a more isolated fashion and i do not have access to machines. I workout solely via free weights that is.

I have noticed a really good effect of 'em on my quads and not just the teardrop. I place my heels on 45lb plates and go fairly low. I stuff the olympic barbell with many 5kg plates so that it doesn’t land on the floor, trying to perform the Barbell Hack Squat in a completely continuous fashion.
I am still weak though, since i’m new to it.

I bet therewon’t be that many T-Nationers doin’em but i think it’ll be useful to open this discussion and hopefully peole might try them too.

WARNING:The pump while performing the Barbell Hack Squat is quite alarming and the quad musculature feels like it’s going to explode. Yes, there is pain involved. However, it’s the kind of pain that you appreciate as you feel like air is pumped in your quadriceps. Guaranteed though, it’s not like cumming…

i did them for like 2 weeks. i actually felt it more in my back than my legs mainly in the middle back.

most people will say to boot them entirely.

Form is probably different. I can feel it using my PC doin hack squats.

[quote]kickureface wrote:
Form is probably different. I can feel it using my PC doin hack squats.[/quote]

your pubococcygeous muscle?

Its another good leg exercise imo. There are soo many different ways to hit legs, but generally the ones allowing you to move the most weight will build the most muscle.

Thats why squats and leg press are so preferred.

I also like any hack squat machine .vs. traditional hacks with a bar.

Everybody is different and if it’s causing strength and new muscle in your legs keep it up. :wink:


Makes a lot of difference depending on how long your arms / legs are compared to your torso. If you have a long torso / short legs then the bar is going to be more to the front. If long legs / short torso then bar is going to be further back… the angle of your back will be different depending on this ratio … none of these are necessarily bad, just illustrating how things are different depending on your build.

Also if you were using dumbells all that changes. I suppose you could tie the dumbells to something too, to move them forwards or backwards, to mix it up a bit.

I do barbell hack squats. I can’t say they’ve done much since my legs are a weak point but I usually do them near the end of a leg workout and my quads are so fried I can usually only push out 8-10 reps with 2 5kg plates on the bar.

The key is to roll your shoulders back and kinda lean back and keep your back straight. And don’t go all the way down so your hamstrings kick in. Form makes alot of difference on this movement.

And no its not like cumming. Sometimes I just fall to the ground after these.