Ball press

My gym doesnt have a swiss ball, so can I sub the for dumbell bench for it?

Also how is a good morning squat done? I read on deepsquatter that it’s a good morning with a squat at the end is that right?

yes use the bench…

Good Morning squats a fucking great exerscice, do a traditional rounded back gm to parrallel with a close stance, then from the parrallel gm position go into a deep olympic style squat really get deep, I personally like to pause for a few seconds at the bottom, the heavier I get the less i pause, then when you reach the bottom explode as fast as you can out of the bottom. These are very hard but they kick the living fucking shit out of your Posterior chain, and they helped me get out of the bottom. I like to really take these ass to the grass they are a killer and I fell they helped my squat more than any max eff exersice I do, You just cant be a pussy, you have to hit parrallel with the gm and then go into a very deep squat,you will have to really fight to get a arch when you go back to the top, you will really arch out of the hole and open the hips ups this is why this is such a great exerscice and Contributes to your powerlifting squat…also if you have a camberd squat bar do these with a camberd squat bar it is a amazing exersice alone but the camberd squat bar takes it to a new level…Big martin

So as I squat back up I staiten my back?

well u will have more forward lean than normal but you have to really arch hard with the low back to try to straighten up…bm

also try to do these in work boots…it will hit the low back harder…bm