P-DOG, it wasn’t a fist fight, it was a sucker punch. For THAT, it is pretty easy to end up in jail or be sued. Whether or not it is justified is irrelevant in the eyes of the law.
WG - good job taking your friend out. I grew up fighting my older brother a lot because he would always tease me and when I teased back, he’d get pissed and start swinging. Because he was older and about twice my size, he usually won. When i’ve been in bars (a lot mind you - 6yrs navy) there were a lot of friends that got drunnk and started shit. If they couldn’t take it back, that’s their problem. Don’t start it in the first place. As for people slamming you for hitting your drunk friend. That’s bullshit. Just because someone is drunk doesn’t excuse their actions. If someone insults you or attacks you (verbally or physically) you have the right to retaliate. How you choose to do this is your choice but everything has it’s consequences. I’ve gotten into fights with good friends because they were too drunk, but i didn’t hit them or pound them because it wasn’t worth the effort. I’ve always made it a firm decision for myself, if i’m going to hit someone, they won’t get up or at least ever look to bug me again. You did the right thing. Your buddy probably wound’t have backed down if you had shoved him, and if you had walked away, then you would still be getting shit from him and he’d be probably calling you a pussy for not standing up for yourself AFTER HE SPIT BEER ON YOU. Violence isn’t always the answer, but sometimes certain people understand only through violence. it can be an effective learning tool. As for continuing to be his friend, talk to him and let him decide, just let him know if he ever pulls that shit again, you’ll lay him out again, because friends can say stuff to each other, but when it comes to activities bordering on assault, defend yourself. I’ve lost some friends becuase of similar actions, but who wants friends that will explode around you and cause trouble or try to fight you over insults. to me those aren’t true friends…
when you spit in someones face, you are subject to that persons reaction, it is not a sucker punch.
it was simply a verbal argument, the friend made it physical by spitting in his face. he then got his ass kicked, and is now trying to blame someone else for his own actions.
Your post is interesting to me, laquino. I was the big brother. The thing is, even when a little brother deserved a whooping, I would only go so far, cause they are my brother. I cannot ever remember striking them in the face, for example. Correspondingly, I think, among friends, there is kind of an unwritten code of how far things like that should be taken. I would argue that someone who is willing to really tee off on a friend (situation dependent, obviously) is not a good friend.
Hey, if you are a dickwad any excuse to punch someone out will do.
You’ve never heard of horseplay? You’ve never had a friend make fun of you or embarrass you? It’s not like “spitting”… it’s “spitting beer”… big fucking whup.
Grow up already. Stop looking for the easiest excuse to go hit something. You don’t have to defend your pride with punches to be a man. You have to be willing to stand up for important things, things you believe in, when it is dangerous or uncomfortable.
Otherwise you are fooling yourself and simply pretending to be a man by acting tough. It isn’t going to fool anybody with half a brain – they’ll know you are a child in a mans body.
Why are you always into some kind of trouble? Are you a hillbilly? Seriously, all your posts are like this…usually with you heroically punching someone since ur such a stud and all.
Which further proves the point that most police officers are assholes.
I too was a big brother, and when the little brother needed a talking to or even a whooping it was my role to be “that guy.”
That being said I had gotten into an argument with him and one thing led to another. I ended up headbutting him and knocking him the fuck out… Scariest thing ever, didn’t mean to do it but he was laid out nonetheless. I felt so bad that when he came to I didn’t know what to say, I was really ashamed of myself. You should only take things so far when it comes to brothers/family/friends. I guess the real test on how much you care about someone is how bad you feel after you’ve done them wrong…
Hey Azzho, happy new year. Just what is it you’re talking about? Heroically punching someone out? WTF is heroic about my drunk dick friend spitting beer on my face and me losing my temper and punching him out? What trouble are you talking about previous to this? Examples? Stud? why do you have such a hardon fo me anyway?
Yes I do feel kinda shitty about what happened. I could have reacted differently. As I’m sure anyone here has done things they could have reacted to differently. All in all, I would have done it the same if given the chance. There was time when thoughts of lawsuits, overly macho behavoir, and any of the other SHIT I’ve read on this post wouldn’t even be an issue. DON’T SPIT IN A MAN’S FACE.
You asked, dude.
Isn’t it all right to “go bodies” with friends from time to time? lol
ok, ok, i’m breaking my vow of silence. but after reading this i had to post.lol
i was prety fukin wasted at a crab feed(no i’m not a crab person) when p-dog and da-meat came thru and was checkin out the scene, i know pretty sad but this was like a major event in the small cow town. anywho i decided for some reason to pour wine on p-dogs head and he got pissed but was sober and realized i was fucked up and wouldn’t have done it sober(wide maybe you should have too, or spit beer back at him). then i proceded to follow this really fat chick around making faces behind her back untill she turned around then i acted as if i was just standing there, then i would make more faces when she turned the other way.lmfao
i’ll return in march when p-dog is done with his cycle as he becomes a complete moron/dulf cunt when he is “on”.
i’ll return in march when p-dog is done with his cycle as he becomes a complete moron/dulf cunt when he is “on”.
I’ll agree to that m-dog. He has been quite moody lately. The thing is I flat out tell him he’s an asshole. I don’t hide from him. You should try it.
Un uh little jacker. This thread is about me being an asshole not P-dog.
On second thought, I just saw your picture and you can jack me all day…I mean my post.
Sorry I just couldn’t resist wideguy. I actually do not think that you acted as an asshole. The natural human response is to defend yourself, unless you are a big puss. These types of situations do not allow for the long deliberation and carefull thought that so many of the politically correct men on this site seem to think existed. So, you reacted, happens all the time. Besides anyone who spits anything in their friend’s face is not a friend and has to expect some sort of reaction. I have actually had someone, a man, spit in my face, and I socked him in the face immediately. It was a response that I would never regret.
ericka i did. end hijack.
yeah your right. not only do i become a complete dulf cunt while im on, i also have a non stop raging boner. at this point i would stick my wee-wee in just about any hole i see. so maybe it is a good idea that you stay away for a while.
that hole thing i hope that didnt offend you. you know that doesnt apply to your holes right?