Panic/Anxiety Lifters Still Out There?

I have come back after a long hiatus from posting. I was wondering how many T-members we have here that have had serious issues with mental illness, more specifically, severe panic disorder, anxiety attacks and depression.

I’m 35 now and have been on and off a LOT of different meds since the young age of 13 and am curious to see others stories and how they’ve coped and continued slinging the iron in one way or another.
Thanks in advance for any responses.

Check out Doogie’s log.

Good luck to you.

Im in the same post I have had problems with Anxiety attacks for years.Had one at work two weeks ago. Blew my nervous system to hell. Took me a week before my body was up and ready for lifting again.Had not been on meds for months.Back on them now.

Sorry to hear you had a recent really bad one bulldog but I know where you’re coming from. Mine have slowly been building back up and seemingly blown my nervous system to hell as well. I’m overly sensitive to caffiene again, have major energy fluctuations and massive mood swings because they are so damn limiting. I’m trying to come off some of the benzodiazipines I’ve been on for many years as they eventually become very problematic. That in itself is creating a LOT of anxiety.

I have been practicing ‘exposures’ as much as I can to push myself to so I can try and regain control and get back in the gym. I plan trips to places that seem to trigger them like shopping malls, driving in traffic etc. Same kinda plan as lifting, add a little here, get stronger, add a little more, yadda, yadda. Still coming down from one right now so this post may be a little scattered. Hope to post again soon with some progress in battling them and with my lifting.

I have panic disorder/ocd anciety blah blah…

I have almost completley cured myself with diet lfiestyle and vitmain supplements…

I got alot of infomation from regardign niacin therapy…

And i have been tkaing 5htp and melatonin with high doses of vitmain c.

I am down to the lowest dosage of effexor 37.5mg from 150mg

I also wanted to add if you have any form of caffein at all you are setting yourself u pfor disaster… 1 coffee actually gives me panic attacks…

Check out the book caffeine blues i just finished reading it got it off amazon . I reccomend it for people who dont believe what an effect somethign can have on you…

There is hope…

Thnx for your reply n00bs. I will check out the link you provided. And yes, caffiene is a killer for anyone with high levels of anxiety let alone full blown panic disorder. It suprises me how many people I meet having problems with anxiety and/or panic attacks still consume it without thinking. I’ll have a look for Caffiene Blues as well. Thanks again for your post.

not being humourous here, but i find thr rigt meds can tackle a lot of the physical causes and symptoms, the psychological and situational stresses and triggers…

Found this thread and wanted to bump because I was diagnosed with GAD when I was about 15, and have been trying to work through it ever since. I’ve gone through a lot of cycles of being relatively okay for a few months then having it real bad for a few months.

Currently I’m in one of the higher anxiety cycles (just moved 1500 miles for grad school) and have been giving more consideration to meds. In periods of higher anxiety, lifting often seems to stimulate a massive sympathetic responses and induce a worsening of my anxiety. I wanted to know what other people’s experiences have been with anti anxiety drugs and how they’ve helped or hurt.