So I have started my 2nd cycle - w1-4 Dbol 50mg ED as a kickstarter and w1-14 Test E 750mg. I’m 2 days in and my problem is that I feel really bad (tired, no motivation, angry all the time etc.). Is that normal? I didn’t feel like this during my 1st cycle…
Well what’s different about this cycle? Is the dbol a new addition?
Same stuff, just higher doses (dbol 30/50, test 500/750).
Are you tapering the Dbol up to 50mg or started straight out at 50mg?
If started at 50mg, why did you think you could start at this dose and not experience any side effects? Never ceases to amaze me.
That’s a lot of aromatizing drugs at high doses your using. Your E/T ratio is probably all whacked out causing you to feel like shit. More then likely if you ride it out you will start to feel better.
Honestly this cycle just sounds gross to me. I’m trying to give unbiased feedback but I can’t imagine how shitty I’d feel and look with that test/dbol dose
Straight at 50mg
holy mass bro.
Finally someone who actually puts on mass during a cycle.
Thank you! I trained almost 9 years naturally
you compete? Powerlifting/bodybuilding?
Powerlifting Once I tried bodybuilding competition, but I’m more into PL
Same man same. Powerlifting all the way.
What weight class you in? I am competing in 82kg class. So the midget class lmao
I’m at 110kg+…my actual weight is 114kg, was 119kg right after my first cycle. Btw: 180cm.
Holy shit, that’s you naturally? Those legs were built natty? Are you sure? No extra curricular supplementation, is it possible you slipped and fell on some test?
Wait nvm you said second cycle.
What do you do regarding leg training?
… … …
I think the other dude in the other thread should look at OP and realise this is what you use a cycle for
The legman
Leggy leggington
Seriously this dudes quads are off the charts!
Blur out the face. Unless you dont care.
Why such a big jump in dosage? Why not just stick at 500mg then add new compounds to get the desired effect.
Man I hate those legs, I would gave anything for huge back/chest instead of legs…just genetics.
Only good thing is that I can squat 250kg for reps
I wanna try higher doses now to see how I will react to it and add new compounds in my 3rd cycle (deca, tren…)
But there is going to be a point of diminished returns where you are getting less for your shot. And to be fair, you have added a new compound to this cycle. It should be about getting more done with less gear to maintain longevity in life and training.