Just finishing up my first cycle, test-p 100mg/ed ending last 4 weeks with dbol 30-40mg/ed. Seen great gains. Up 21 lbs so far. About to start PCT in 6 days.
Due to the country I live in I have to order my juice way beforehand so I am in the process of ordering everything for my second cycle.
Here is my idea of 2nd cycle. I’m sitting at 182lbs right now around 16% bf, pre-pct. I’m still learning diet wise so I did gain 2-3% bf sadly. Shit right? But oh well. My ultimate goal is to be 200lbs at around 10-12% bf.
My proposed current PCT is:
6 weeks of nolva 40 40 20 20 20 20 HCG blasting 500iu a day for 10 days up to first nolva oral. I will take a 6 week break after PCT before I start this second cycle.
Here is my propsed 2nd cycle. I feel like I may be overcomplicating shit:
I feel like cycle A I may be overcomplicating shit and shit ton of gear? I am leaning towards cycle B but I really want to try to hit 200lbs on this cycle.
Honestly my biggest failure this first cycle was diet. I was able to up my 1rm on bench from 255 to 325 this cycle. Can’t DL or Squat heavy due to ankle injury. But I’m really focusing on my diet and trying to get it dialed in for this cycle.
I love honesty and I feel no butthurt. If I want 200lbs before this year is up, please feel free to recommend any other combo. I -am- dialing my diet in and I hope that it will be near perfect by the time I get on this second cycle.
Thanks in advance and try not to flame me too much.
If it were me id go test 750 eq 800 drol at 30-50mg. Sounds like a lot but really isnt and eq is pretty mild as it is. It should help with appetite though. Or instead of eq throw in some npp.
[quote]Steez wrote:
How long are you gonna let your shit recover from your first cycle before you attempt another? [/quote]
"My proposed current PCT is:
6 weeks of nolva 40 40 20 20 20 20 HCG blasting 500iu a day for 10 days up to first nolva oral. I will take a 6 week break after PCT before I start this second cycle. "
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
If it were me id go test 750 eq 800 drol at 30-50mg. Sounds like a lot but really isnt and eq is pretty mild as it is. It should help with appetite though. Or instead of eq throw in some npp. [/quote]
So modify cycle B to 750 test, 800 eq.
I can only get 50mg tablets for drol. Maybe cut it in half and run 25mg to start out and then up to 50?
In my thread you’ll see that my second cycle was 500mgs test e 600mgs eq but forgot to mention that I kick started with test ace for four weeks and sprinkled some drol in for four weeks at 50mgs towards the end so I can chime in here. I didn’t experience much weight gain from eq put absolutely loved it for the appetite, look, endurance and quality of gains it gave me. It also help with a lingering knee injury I had which was a big reason I decided to use it.
I agree with els to keep test at 750 and keep drol the same but if you could possibly up your EQ to 1000mgs I think you would get more weight gain out of it. The only other thing I would say is run the Eq at least 16wks 12 is just when it’s really starting to shine. After giving the eq time to clear you would be on for almost 20 wks and I understand if your not comfortable doing that. Just my 2cents
@Void yeah I wouldn’t be comfortable running such a long cycle TBH.
How do you guys recommend I divide up the shots? Pin 3 times or 2 times a week? And mix everything into same syringe or run 1 syringe with test and 1 with EQ. My EQ is 200mg/ml and my test is 250mg/ml, so if I were to mix them i’d be injecting around 3-4cc depending on how many times a week I pin.
Here’s a question. It’s totally against most I have learned on here and reading up but I had a pretty knowledgable AAS user tell me that he personally likes switching up compounds every 3 weeks throughout a cycle and it’s not the first time I have heard about it.
For example he’d run a base of test-e but he would switch up compounds every 3 weeks… deca dbol tren etc etc. Now from I have have read I guess this could be done with the faster acting shorter ester compounds, but would have no effect if running something like EQ etc?
I’m not planning to do any of this just wanted to maybe learn something about it. Does this have any merit?
Well after some more reading and asking around I think I have fine tuned this next cycle.
Note: I know some will mention too much gear, but just let me know if you think the lay out is good. End goal is 200lbs on this cycle then see what I can keep post PCT.
Wk 1-14 Test-E 750mg/wk
Wk 1-12 EQ 600mg/wk, increasing by 100 each week until 900mg/wk
Wk 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Wk 10-14 Tbol 50mg ed
Wk 1-16 Adex 0.5/eod (taper up if need)
Wk 16-22 Nolva 40 40 20 20 20 20
I have 300mg/ml test-e and EQ. I have 15,000mg of each lol.
Should I run HCG throughout cycle at 500iu/wk or should I HCG blast 10 days from PCT at 500iu daily?
And ofcourse will have bloodwork pre/during/post cycle along with regular medical checkups from my sports doctor.
Everyone who wants to say omg thats a lot of gear. Stfu. It also depends on what compounds youre running. Eq is pretty mild. Therefore you need to run more. Dont get caught up with numbers. Just do what you have to do and dont put health on the back burner in the process.