First Cycle: Sust-Dbol

So I have been training since I was 17, now 27, however my diet ect have only been in check for the last 18-23 months, (to much alcohol in my early years!)
I am thinking about going to the dark side and looking at the following cycle, please let me know if there is anything I can change:

Weeks 1 – 6:
500mg per week Sustanon 250, 25mg per day Dianabol,
0.5mg Arimidex every other day

Weeks 7 – 10:
500mg per week Sustanon 250
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 10-12:
500mg per week sustanon 250
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 14-17 nova 40,40,20,20

Current stats:
Height: 5’6.
Weight: 79 kg
Bf: 15 ( this was measured on my scales so I would have thought it would be that accurate)
Age: 27

I know I’ll get slated for my weight however when I started I was around 62kg and I just feel like I’m not putting any more weight on,…


Hooboy where do we start? You did not do enough research to justify making this very serious decision.

-Your pct timing is not right
-Waaaaay too much arimidex despite having zero evidence that you’ll need it at all, let alone at that dose
-First cycle should always be test-only
-I don’t see any blood work

You need to spend some more time researching. I promise you that you will not regret being more informed and knowing as much as possible before you make any decisions.


Thanks for your feedback… I am getting booked in for bloodwork prior to running the cycle however I just wanted some feedback and opinions before I start and make sure I’m 100% sure ect hence why I posted on here. Thanks for your feedback that’s all noted!.. the cycle I posted was just from other sites that I have read is a good entry level cycle, will look into this more though :grin:

Just to make sure there wasn’t a typo, weeks 7-10 and 11-12 are exactly the same, yes? You have them separated but don’t see a difference in your doses.

You almost certainly won’t need that much Adex. You may not need to take any at all. Adex dosing is something you will have to adjust specifically to you, don’t worry about what other people take. It is highly individual. Get your precycle labs, then get labs done again 6 weeks into your cycle and CONSIDER adding Adex as needed. A good starting point is 0.25 mg twice a week and go from there, but again this will be something you have to experiment with on your own and will have to get lab work done routinely in order to do it correctly. It’s okay to be a little high with your E2 and slowly bring it down when you’re new to using gear. Better than crashing your E right away and feeling like garbage for 12 weeks unnecessarily.

I agree with @iron_yuppie, if it’s your first cycle then you really should run just test. You can make awesome gains with 500 mg of test a week, but your diet and training will dictate this, not how much gear you’re running. It will also allow you to know exactly how your body responds to test, and what sides you can expect in future cycles. Then if you choose to add other compounds down the road you will know what is causing what and just be that much more in touch with what’s going on.

Start PCT 2 weeks after your last pin. The dosing is correct.

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If you’re using sustanon then pct needs to be no sooner than three weeks after last pin. But otherwise what @crazygoodlookin said is spot on. Keep asking questions and people here will be happy to help.

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But, one would have to actually be willing to follow the advice given.:wink:


Thanks for the replies, that all makes sense.

Like I said I am not going into this guns blazing, doing a little more research first just posted the question for more input and experience :blush:,
I’m open to the idea of Test only, from what I got so far this would be a better idea?

Week 1-12
Sustanon 250- 500mg per week

Week 14-17
Nova 40,40,20,20

With an AI to hand for gyno if symptoms persist.

Would a different test blend be more relevant/ have better effect for a course by itself other than sustanon?

Thanks again!

I’ve never personally run Sustanon so I don’t have anything to say about it either way. That’s also why I wasn’t aware of the delayed PCT protocol as pointed out by @iron_yuppie. Good to know, and I will keep that in mind should I ever decide to run it. See… there’s always more to be learned. My first cycle was Test E 500 mg/wk pinned twice a week for 12 weeks. I put on 14 pounds during the cycle and kept 10 of them. However, I trained religiously 5-6 days per week without fail, never missed a scheduled training day, and was monk-like with my diet, eating 6 meals a day, weighing out every single meal on a food scale, adjusting my macros and calories each week as I needed to. Dedication to your diet and training is 90% of the battle.

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Hey, I’m looking to run my first cycle, I have been training since around 17 around 10 years however the first few years diet was all over the place drinking most weekends ect… I have been training solid with a pretty good diet for 18 months now and I think it’s time to try the dark side. Looking to gain some weight with not to many sides ect,

After research I have come up with the following cycle. any recommendations for improvements ect? Looking for minimum sides and would like to still be able to have sex with the Mrs after!

Age : 27
Ft : 5’6
Kg : 79
Bf: around 15% according to my smart scales so its prob wrong…

Weeks 1 – 6:
500mg per week Sustanon 250, (Mon &Thurs)
25mg per day Dianabol,
400mg per week Decca (Monday, same injection as sust)
0.5mg Arimidex every other day

Weeks 7 – 10:
500mg per week Sustanon 250
400mg per week Decca
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 10-12:
500mg per week sustanon 250
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 14-17 nova 40,40,20,20

Thanks in advance!

You did not do proper or enough research if you think deca is a good thing to try in your first cycle.

Everyone’s first cycle needs to be just Testosterone and NOTHING else!!! If you just run the test the way you have it laid out now, you will have a great first cycle. At 500mgs a week some guys don’t need an AI, if you are just set on using it then I would start with 0.5 mgs on day you inject the Testosterone. That dose seems to cover 90% of guys.

If you are confused as to why you should only run test on your first cycle then click on my profile, go back and read all the comments I have made on the subject.

I going to close with something I have not read on here in a while, this is a marathon not a Sprint (steroid use).


Is lean bulk even a thing?
When cycling you need to eat (((a lot))) it should be clean no junk food.

Honestly? Probably not, unless you’re on tren. Guys seem to be unable out-eat that stuff. But for most mortals a bulk is automatically going to mean some fat gain.

As a note, my blast is coming to an end and it was also an attempt at a “lean bulk”. Ended up gaining 8lbs, which was about the target. Pants fit the same but my face looks a little more round and I can see that my belly has some extra fat on it. I could have added 10+lbs if I had eaten more (and less healthy), but that wasn’t the goal. But even with a cleaner diet I still put on some fat. There’s just no way around it.

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Change my mind.

This is an ugly mess of a first cycle lol. I agree with what was said; test as a first cycle. If you’re going to go against everyones advice then just run ONE compound. You aren’t going to know what is causing you side effects and what isn’t if you’ve never ran them individually.
Also 0.5mg of arimidex EOD may not be smart. I always advocate to keep AI dose at minimal. You may be an overresponder/more sensitive than the average joe and get Low E2 symptoms which will

  1. Kill your gains.
  2. Make you feel like shit for a couple weeks

Forums - T Nation

First cycle! Sust dbol


First cycle! Sust dbol








So I have been training since I was 17, now 27, however my diet ect have only been in check for the last 18-23 months, (to much alcohol in my early years!)
I am thinking about going to the dark side and looking at the following cycle, please let me know if there is anything I can change:

Weeks 1 – 6:
500mg per week Sustanon 250, 25mg per day Dianabol,
0.5mg Arimidex every other day

Weeks 7 – 10:
500mg per week Sustanon 250
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 10-12:
500mg per week sustanon 250
0.5 Arimidex every other day

Weeks 14-17 nova 40,40,20,20

Current stats:
Height: 5’6.
Weight: 79 kg
Bf: 15 ( this was measured on my scales so I would have thought it would be that accurate)
Age: 27

I know I’ll get slated for my weight however when I started I was around 62kg and I just feel like I’m not putting any more weight on,…


You need to figure out your diet.

So you didn’t hear what you wanted in the Pharma section and posted an identical thread in the Bodybuilding section hoping someone would tell you what you want to hear?

The answer is always, always, always, the same on this question. Test only for the first cycle. Always!

Sorry no this was posted after the other post before the comments as I thought it was the wrong section, I’ll delete now :grin:

@iron_yuppie is very helpful. Chris will fix the thread in morning. Good luck!
P.s. Once you start a thread on this forum it takes a Mod to delete it. Otherwise, it lives forever.

read 10 Dan John articles

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