Sat/ 11th
Cable flys+ pullaparts: 4x15+25
Decline DB’s: 4x6/ 6@ 60, 70, 80, 70’s.
Mid-Incline DB: 4x15.
Tri’s: 2x25
Standing Abs: 2x25
Sat/ 11th
Cable flys+ pullaparts: 4x15+25
Decline DB’s: 4x6/ 6@ 60, 70, 80, 70’s.
Mid-Incline DB: 4x15.
Tri’s: 2x25
Standing Abs: 2x25
Box SQ/ plus 2":
6x5/ 5@ 275, 295, 315, 325.
GM’s: 3x5@ 225, cluster set
Floor crunch: 3x10
DB/ Rdl’s: 3x15
Standing cable crunch: 3x15
Decline (slight) DB’s:
3x8/ 8@ 50, 60, 70’s/ 3x8@ 60’s.
DB Pullovers: 3x15
Pushdowns: 3x15
Pulldowns: 3x25
Paused/ stretched, hard, controlled reps.
Calf machine: 4x15
Leg press machine: 4x15.
Seated rear delt mach.; 4x15
Standing cable curls: 4x15
Standing calf machine: 4x15
Big leg press: 4x15
45* back raise: 4x10 + plate
Crunch stuff: 4x15
Pullaparts: 10x 25 mixed into leg stuff.
Low incline DB’s:
4x8/ 8@ 50, 60, 70’s.
Med. incline: 8@ 60, 70, 70, 65’s
Cable pushdowns: 8x15
Cable fly: 3x15
Block pull/ 6":
4x4/ 2x2/ 1@ 365, 405, 435, 55, 475.
Stiff leg: 3x5@ 315
Standing cable crunch: 4x15
Pulldowns: 4x8
Extra ‘pump’ session turned into pretty hard work.
DB rear flys + laterals: 5x10+10
Curls + pullaparts: 5x15+15
Calf machine: 2x15/ 3x10
V-bar pulldowns: 5x5
Calf machine + pullaparts: 6x12 + 25
DB/ Rdl’s + Curls: 6x12+ 15
Cable pushdowns: 8x12
High incline DB’s:
2x12/ 12@ 40, 50, 60, 60, 50, 50’s.
Shrug machine: 3x12@ 135/ 5x5 cluster @ 225
DB flat flys: 4x12
DB laterals: 4x12
Seat cable rows: 3x20
Calf machine + pullaparts: 4x15 + 25
Leg press machine + pullaparts: 6x15 + 25
45* back extensions: 4x15
Decline crunch: 4x10
Curls: 4x15
Box SQ/ +2":
6x3/ 1@ 315, 355, 370/ 2x1@ 355
G.M’s: 3x3 cluster @ 225
DB/ Rdl’s: 3x12@ 50’s
Seat cable rows: 3x12
Mid-incline DB’s:
6x6/ 3x12@ 50’s
DB flys: 3x12
Hang leg raise: 3x15
Some band/shoulder ect. stuff mixed in.
Paused/stretched out reps on the pressing.
Sat/ 2/1
Drumming= 1h45 in the AM.
Date night/ B-Day steakhouse in the PM.
Very tasty all around.
Is your birthday?
December, just before Christmas… just took awhile to get to the steak
Standing cable flys + band pullaparts: 8x15 + 15
DB Incline: 8x8
DB flys/ high incline + bent rear delt flys: 3x15 +15.
Well happy birthday anyway.
Thanks man- the not-so-big 57
Happy Birthday!