ok so iv had back pain for past 3 weeks have not squatted or deadlifted and worked around it . the last couple days before friday it got worse. so i went to a chiro and they did and xray and told me i have too much anterior curve in my lumbar region nothing major and they would fix it with allighnment /stretching exercises ect. anyways so i went to the gym friday night did really light workout got through about half when i went to do cable rows with just 100 i usually do the whole stack so not heavy at all.
i get to the third set and while imd oing it i feel a popping sensation and right after that i know thats the ned of the workout and have to lay down in the smith machine. i use the sides to pull my self up manage to get my gym bag and walk tot he front desk where i get stuck leaning on the desk and not being able to stand fully up. I end up having to lay on the ground for like an hour and finally have someone help me up and get to my car . Iv been in bed for the past 3 days and when i walk my torso upper body is crooked and leaning forward and to the right?also seems like the pain was more on my left side and back but mostly lower back . i get pain and with certain twists it feels like my back is just going to go out and i have no support?
anyways its gotten a little better today was able to walk around but still have that like giving out feeling in certain positions
i went to the Urgent care basically waste of time just scripted me some motrin painkillers and took an xray even thought an xray isnt going to show a muscle tear or disc issue
Anyways does any one have any idea what this could be any experience tips ect
when can i get back into the gym
squat deadlift?