started training again after a few years off due to work family and laziness. been training for about 5 months now and making some decent goals are to look good naked and be strong. My current best 1rm are deadlift 190kg bench 100 kg row 90 kg for 6 7 wide grip pull ups and shoulder press 65kg 3rm. I cant squat as a i have hip impingement which makes my form terrible.
Ive just started wsfsb with a few modifications and want to know what you lot think of it.
ME day
decline Bench 3 rm + 2 deload sets
DB bench 4 x 6-10. first set easy 2nd 12rm 3rd and 4th 8rm
BB row 5 x 6-10 first set easy. 2nd 15rm 3/4/5 with 10rm
face pulls 3 x 8-12 straight sets
BB shrugs 3 x 8-12 staright sets
DB curls 3x 6-10 straight sets
Repition day.
chins 3 sets
wg pulldowns 3 x 8-12
rear delt raise 3x8-12
db sh press 3x8-12
arm superset 3 x 8-12
hammer curl
push down
ME legs
Deadlift 5RM with straps on the last few attempts
Quad super set
lunges + leg extensios 3x 8-12
Ham superset
RDL+ lying leg curl
Calf circuit 25 reps each exercise.
one legged raise standing
2 legged raise standing
seated raise
i think it looks pretty sweet but any opinions would be welcome.
going to only train 3 times a week with no cardio for 12 weeks and see how i get on. if theres some interest ill start a log.