37YO back in the gym after 4 years (after having done 20 years). School, work, etc. etc. etc. Been back for 4 weeks. Down 8lbs of fat (233 to 225), and am gaining muscle mass back (not to the degree of the Andro days). I have rearranged my diet (increased protein, fiber, lower ed fat, carbs). I am taking creatine (Cellmass), and Designer Whey protein, DHEA (50mg micronized), and BCAA 2000 Amino Acids. Any more recommendations from the big dogs here?? I know my lifting routine, just looking for some better gains as I progress. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I’m confused… Did you mean to post this in the steroids section?
odd indeed. Since you’re looking for suggestions: keep it up. If you were a former gear head I’d vigorously encourage you to train consistently for several months before re-gearing up.
Care to give specifics as to exactly what sort of recommendations you’d like?
Then we’ll be happy to help.