Starting My First Cycle

Ahoy all. I am new to this whole steroid game, and I have researched for a while, but I am still getting confused on all of this lingo. Basically I have been out of lifting for 2 years, and used to be some what strong to never use steroids before. I slipped a disc in my back so I quit lifting all together, but I recently started back and I am awful. I kept on doing bench occasionally just so I could say “I can bench over 300” but besides that, I haven’t dedicated myself to anything until a month ago.

I used to be serious about lifting in high school and totalled over 1000 pounds benching 345, squatting 430, and power cleaning 280, but I slipped a disc in my back squatting 3 months after i graduated. I am ready to get back into lifting seriously and have been at it for a little over a month 4 days a week in the gym doing atleast 20 minutes of cardio. My diet consists of a lot of protein and a lot of carbohydrates, but I plan to cut back on the carbs to get a six pack, since I have nothing but flab right now, but I have already lost 25 pounds in a month.

My heighth is 5’11, weight is 210 (and declining steadily - weighed near 240 a month ago), and I am not sure about my body fat. My girlfriend said she could see the outline of my abdominals a week ago, so that is an improvement.

I am looking for the best 10 week cycle to gain a lot on my lifts and get more of a cut look. I do not lift heavy on squats anymore, and rarely go over 275, because my lower back still kills me, and I try to do more deadlift than squat since I have started back lifting since it doesn’t hurt my back as much.

I will take oral, injectable and an estrogen blocker, but I am not sure which to take, because I keep hearing all of these different opinions. Any advice is welcomed. If I get flamed, sorry :).

Well, Chris Redfield in Georgia, USA, I see you like a good game of cat and mouse. The authorities will certainly have their work cut out for them if they intend to capture the likes of you!


Come on C at least tell him to read a sticky with that warning. What a mean guy you are…

Testosterone ester + AI + PCT = Good cycle. HCG on cycle is a good option also.

Propose a cycle and it will be critiqued. Be very detailed in your proposal. Read the READ BEFORE POSTING sticky.

Heh. And change your damned screen name, at least!

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Heh. And change your damned screen name, at least![/quote]

Hahaha, I thought this before I even opened the thread.

Cortes, did you get my e-mail? Don’t rush returning it, I just want to make sure it didn’t get lost in the internet.

You dont really think he’s THE Chris Redfield from Georgia USA do you?

African zombie killing Chris Redfield?

Ahhh…I see.

I would reply, but it seems there is some sort of egg-like substance that needs to be wiped from my face!

Okay, sorry, in that case. What oral, injectable, and “estrogen blocker?”

honestly, that is what i came here to find out. i have taken arimodex for an estrogen blocker before, and i have easy access to sustanon 250, but i’m not sure about the orals. i was thinking of maybe taking some winstrol to get the hardened muscle look. also, thanks for all of the replies, and i just might be the african-zombie killing chris redfield. lol, glad you boys figured it out, and thanks for the quick replies.

bump just because i changed my info :slight_smile:

There is a cycle planning sticky. It has a decent outline for a Test + AI cycle. An oral drug can be added to it, I think that is covered as well.

Your muscles will look hard as a result of proper diet and training along with the right drugs. If you are in a mass gaining phase and you aren’t a naturally lean person that can add muscular weight while staying around 10% bf or lower than don’t worry about making your muscles look harder.

If your goal is to shed bodyfat while preserving muscle mass than maybe winstrol is an apppropriate addition. Again, if you have too much bodyfat covering the muscle no drug will make your muscles look denser.

thanks for the info. i will have the specific names and doses of what i should be taking shortly. i plan to cut down to atleast 190 before taking anything so my bodyfat is around 13-15%

You’re planning to go on a cycle of AAS and currently aren’t able to go heavy on squats nor deadlift? My opinion is: Plan again…

Plenty of reasons you should not use AAS yet:

  1. You’re approximately 20 years old since you slipped a disc two years ago around the time you graduated high school. I think most would advise to at least wait a few years.

  2. You just got back into lifting a month ago after a 2 year layoff. You should enjoy some good progress due to that and your age alone for a while before considering AAS.

  3. One of your goals is to get leaner. You have lost 25 pounds in a month and are increasing the visibility of your abs. Thus you are making progress and should continue to do so before considering AAS.

  4. As mentioned above, your lifting options and intensity are limited by your continued back pain. You will not be able to optimally reap the rewards of AAS and should instead put in the time (months) to do the proper therapy to heal your back.

Dear hellfish, thank you for your concern. But as you will see, I slipped a disc in my back almost 2 years ago which prohibits me from lifting heavy on exercises that involve a lot of lower back flexibility or strength. I work my lower back as much as I can doing sit ups and stabilizing exercises, but it still hurts like hell when I do exercises such as squats with weight over 300 pounds, so I usually do 3-5x20 of 275 and consider it a day on just squats. I do not believe squats show a direct representation of leg strength anyways, and a lot of professionals agree with me.

And eric cartman, thank you for the information and input. I do agree with you on all four points, and I have been trying to get my back to going again for the past 2 years via lower back stretches and exercises advised by chiropractor, but after 2 years of rehab, I believe it has healed as much as it can. I do not plan on taking anything until around March, because by then I should be hitting a wall on my strength. I do not plan to take anything until I weigh around 185 and can bench 350 without bouncing. As for my age, I am 20 years old and will be 21 in may. I just plan on getting something now so when it is time, I will have easy access to it, and I will be advised by people who know what they are talking about (people on this forum). I have recently found another hook up in town, but I do not know what I can get from him yet. I will bump as soon as I found out. I do have a question though, Would it be wise to take just an e blocker and test around march, then take take winstrol in august or september to bring out the size and mass I have put on? or would I need to take all 3 in march? From what I read I will be able to take winstrol alone, correct?

sheesh, this is a long post. thanks to anyone who reads it and helps!

I recommend holding off on the winstrol the first go around. Test + AI is good for a first cycle. But I prefer to use the least amount of shit as possible and winstrol wouldn’t be my first choice for an oral anyway.

I also wouldnt use winstrol as a stand alone. That’s another conversation though. Not a particularly long one but for now a simple “not a good idea” will suffice.

thanks for the info, guys. test and an ai it is, and later maybe some anavar or winnie. I will ask again when it is time. Also, the AI Femara seems to be better than arimidex, and can actually boost testosterone alone. i don’t know why i am telling you guys this, you already know. i just discovered it last night, and will try to take that instead of arimidex. thanks for the help guys, it has been greatly appreciated!