[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
AccipiterQ wrote:
OK, so let’s say I do this today:
4 sets 1 working set, or do 2 if you want weighted pullups 6-8 reps A little higher in reps here maybe, not overly difficult to get injured on…
Personal preference, of course.
the 2 working sets of rack pulls you recommend, one at 6-8, and one at 8-12 Don’t forget the attempted shrug backwards after each lock-out.
3 sets of leg curls Same set comment as above
2 sets of pinwheels (just looked those up, I’m excited to try them) Did you run across SM7 doing the 125’s on youtube? that’s only about 11 sets total, for back/hams/biceps/traps. Is that really enough? Why should it matter whether it’s 11 sets or 6 sets? As long as you progress and do enough reps on your work-sets, I don’t see what the obsession with “enough” is…
I’d rather get stronger faster than do a ton of movements/sets just so I can fill some bs quota of “12-20 sets per bodypart” or whatever.
Progression is what gets you big, not random “rules” of how much volume you must/must not do.
Nobody cares if you can BO row 135 for 10 sets of 10. The guy doing way more weight than that for only one set of 10 is most likely the one with the bigger back, no matter how mathematics make it seem.
If you can progress well and fast when doing 4 work sets at the same weight on each move, go for it. Most can’t. You also have joints and tendons to think of…
The way I’d do it would actually mean that it’s only 1 work/top set per exercise unless noted (2 for rack pulls)…
I’d do some bicep move before the pinwheels as well.
Depends on your preferences of course, but I don’t see the point in doing 4 work sets of weighted pull-ups… Ramp up the weight and shoot for 8-15 on your work-set, pull-ups are great for rest-pausing (15-30 total range in case of DC RP, 12-20 at the least) so you can get some extra “volume” in…
If you think it’s not enough and don’t trust me… Have a look at “Professor X: A request” and pay attention to how he does his sets (ramping up) and how many exercises he does on back day.
And that’s an advanced trainee to boot.
Or look at the progress of josh in BOI 2.0 /3.0 after he switched to that way of doing things…
If you’re some sort of volume-freak like bauer then you should already have noticed that before and would probably have no problem progressing on your current plan…
Also, you’re probably right about my lower back. I’ve been noticing the last few weeks that it’s always pretty fatigued. I notice it a lot when I Squat.
If you also squat heavy and for reps in the same week, then you ought to give it a break (the low back I mean) occasionally…
Of course one can squat, deadlift, BO row and do heavy good mornings all in the same week and for 4 work sets each… But you don’t stay young forever and at some point that kind of stuff catches up to you.
Probably sooner rather than later.
And again: Eat more. Gotta always remind you of that for good measure.
Food intake takes care of a plateau 9 out of 10 times when we’re talking about beginners and intermediates…
Yo C_C just given you props because you always seem to have the patience to answer these annoyingly repeating questions tactly and comprehensively.