Back from the Break - Pt 2

Got upper body in today:

Flat Bench / Wide Grip (Superset):
Flat Bench: 70 x 12 / 90 x 10 / 110 x 8 (much harder than it used to be)
Wide Grip: 50 x 12 / 70 x 10 / 90 x 8

Incline Bench / Seated Rows (Superset):
Incline Bench: 50 x 12 / 70 x 10 / 90 x8
Seated Rows: 40 x 12 / 60 x 10 / 80 x 8

Close Grip Bench: 30 x 12 / 40 x 10 / 50 x 8

Time to start the climb all over again :slight_smile:

I think that is pretty good chest work for a woman. Keep up the effort.