As you can see in my back pic, the right trap is bigger and that shoulder is higher up… I don’t know how to fix this. I think its from when i was trying to train through my wrist injury, so my left wrist would hold the bar all wrapped up and without wrist extension, and the right one would be normal, and be an inch or two lower, so the trap has to compensate to keep the bar even.
I just finished about 6 weeks of pretty much a rippetoes style program, with a lower, push, and pull heavy compound 5rm each day 3x a week. this is what im currently doing, I made it up. please feel free to tear it apart
Benchpress - up to a heavy triple
Incline Press - 3x5
Dips - 3x6-8
Lateral Raises - 3 - 4 sets of whatever, try to progress
I still cant do overhead pressing due to my wrist, and my pressing strength is crap compared to everything else, currently at 205x5
Deadlift - up to a heavy triple
Front Squat - 3x5
Unilateral - 3x6-8 (doing db split squats, right leg way weaker)
Decline Crunch - 2x10-15 (25lb plate behind my head)
Wed - off/arms w barbell at home, i never trained arms till recently, they are lagging, especially my high biceps.
Calves - 5 - 6 working sets seated/standing whatever
1000m row warm up
Chinups - up to a heavy triple (currently @ BW+60lbs x3)
DB row - 5,5,kroc style, 5 no straps, using heaviest db in gym…95lbs… current record is 15 reps
Pullovers/something… i dunno what to do after rows
Facepulls, YTWLs, Rotator cuff shit etc.
thursday is my random sort of day. perhaps i should turn it into another benching type day?
Back Squat: up to a heavy triple, Olympic style
Good Mornings: 3x5
RDLs: 3x6-8
Decline Crunch: 2x10-15, same as tuesday.
on the weekends i’ve started messing aroung with a sledgehammer doing levers and pronations etc.
BW: 180lbs ± 3lbs
height: 5’10
Bench: 225ish probably. all hopped up and raged out
Squat: 300/310 maybe
Deadlift: 380.
i want to get a 255 bench, 335 squat, and 405 deadlift as short term goals.
physique goals, maybe get to a lean 190. i cannot afford more clothes.