Attempting Test E 500mg/Week Again, After Irregular Heart Rate

Hey y’all, so about 10 months back I decided to run Test E alone at 500mg per week, and unfortunately had to stop during week 4 due to PVC’s and an irregular heart rate. Now I am considering giving it another shot, as this time I’m a bit leaner and have the extra year of training of course. Im 6’3" about to be 24 years old, 185lbs and around 10% to start. I am generally just curious if my doc may have over reacted to the PVC’s/heart rate and was wondering if any of you have had similar sides on cycle.


You’re young, you’re still pretty skinny, and you had complications in the past. Don’t rush it man, plenty of natural potential left before I’d personally consider taking on the risk.

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Testosterone at supraphysiologic elevates my HR, anabolic steroids increase the sensitivity to catecholamine uptake, beta adrenergic receptor stimulation induced by test or other AAS will increase sensitivity to catecholamines (of which esp epinephrine can cause PVC’s and accelerated HR).

What kind of irregular HR are we talking about? Tachycardia or potentially serious rhythm abnormalities like atrial flutter. Some AAS will cause this issue more than others. Personally on drostanolone I never noticed any alteration in HR, test and anavar however and HR was higher (oxandrolone induced consistent and constant tachycardia due to very high BP… if it was Oxandrolone that is)

The question is, do you have a familial history of cardiac complications? What’s you’re history like regarding prior drug use and/or exposure to toxins. Anabolic’s in themselves are also (aside from modifying sensitivity to catecholamine release) directly pro-arrythmiac through various mechanisms… or at least rodent models demonstrate them to be, genetic predisposition will determine individualistic sensitivity to these effects.

Do you take any meds known to interfere with ECG readings (various antidepressants can prolong QT interval etc). That being said it’s very possible you just aren’t cut out for using test at high doses like 500mg, try 300mg? I notice even 350mg gives me palpitations (although not by itself per se, when combined with the defamfetamine I’m prescribed to study), granted it’s possible testosterone itself causes these issues for me which would be incredibly depressing. I know I can tolerate 250mg without any issues regarding heart rate and/or palpitations (although my RHR will always go up 5-10BPM following a dosage escalation.

Theoretically over time on cycle you’re bodies receptors that are sensitive to catecholamine release should down regulate over time following initial hormonal induced upregulation. Drugs that block said receptors (beta blockers) may be of help, however it generally isn’t a great idea if you were severely symptomatic. It should be noted the vast majority of the populace experiences PVC’s at once point or another, I sometimes get them (though I haven’t had one for about a week now).

Did you wear a halter monitor? How many ectopic beats were revealed over 24hrs? What was you’re avg HR?

I totally understand though, if I was to find out there was nothing I could do aside from risk arrhythmia regarding cycling, I’d probably do it anyway out of sheer frustration. I’m fucking slightly under 5’5, GH would’ve gotten me to a normal height but noooo (and it does still irritate me somewhat) furthermore I have chronic pain amongst a variety of other ailments, bodybuilding is one of the few variables I have in my life that keeps me feeling good, it isn’t something I’d give up for the world (and associated with bodybuilding comes the prospect of performance enhancing drugs, if I dedicate a TON of time and energy to said activity, of course I want to look that part, though it’s more for me than it is for anyone else)

That being said a cardiac evaluation, stress test, echo etc may be beneficial. I think you’d want to know if god forbid you have some kind of undiagnosed heart defect no?

Ill be honest, I do have a family history of heart issues, although they were heavy smokers/drinkers. I did have a holter done, but by the time I actually got the machine, I had been off the test for 3 weeks and the PVC’s had stopped. The heart rate was just a nominal arrhythmia, fluctuating from 40-90. No meds that could possibly interfere and no other illegal drug use.

I will admit is is extremely frustrating and I find myself often wondering what could have been if I had finished the cycle, personally think thats whats motivating me to give it another shot. As far as I know, off AAS my heart is fine with no defects or othewrwise issues, still a tough call to make though.

Familial history within both sides? Close relatives?

I have a similar history with regard to cardiovascular disease connected through my grandfather (dead now), of which he died of a stroke near 60, other members of his family died due to atherosclerosis, all were heavy smokers, some heavy drinkers too boot. The gene for familial hypercholesteremia hasn’t passed down towards me as my lipid profile is perfectly reasonable.

I also have high fluctuations within my HR, almost as if my sinus node doesn’t operate correctly. Some days my RHR will be 60-70, others its 40-50… Not sure about 90 though, not unless there’s an intervening mechanism (such as amphetamine of which I’m prescribed)

Family history on one side only! Mainly my father and uncles from the same side.

Look, I dont want to be the troll of this thread, but I am going to be serious with you. Genetics are just not on your side. Heart complications, in the family. You tried test once and it fucked you up.

Why dont you just spend more time training and eating naturally and bullet proofing your health as much as possible?

Ditch the fucking drugs man, learn to eat first. Jumping on test is only going to make it harder for you to gain weight. I mean you way above six foot and only weigh that? Comeon.


My body does not handle test well at all. Hot flashes, no sex drive, all around feel like shit. Anadrol , anavar, winstrol, hgh, are all things that my body handles well. I feel like I’m 20 again on hgh (im 31). Anadrol makes me feel like a god in the gym (headaches only side effect). Anavar no sides. Winstrol no sides. My point is, their r a ton of of Other choices out their maybe test isn’t for you, just like it wasn’t for me… try something else!!

ButI also agree you are still too young and just need to eat and train hard. Throw some creatine in your daily.

Too young. Already having problems with using test. It’s not worth it. Let it go.

magnesium supplementation dude.