Atomic Dog- Before and After

I just wanted to tell TC what a great Atomic Dog that was. That’s one I’ll be printing out for all the newbies that ask me about shady supplement ads and Body for Life. Amazing pics!

For those who missed it: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION

In fact, the current issue of online T-mag is the best one yet IMO. Ian King lays the smack down on bulking programs, Chris gives an excellent and entertaining SWIS overview AND a fascinating science article, the audio feature is fun, the Short Topic was helpful (I’ll have to try that!) and even Reader Mail had a lot of good info and made me laugh. T-mag is getting better and better.

Now, can I have a free Testosterone leather jacket? Just kidding… unless you’d really give me one. :slight_smile:

Ditto! I’d like to see some audio roundtables too.

I want to echo TEK in giving high kudos to TC’s Atomic Dog. GREAT ARTICLE and a terrific example for the newbies. Now lemme get back to my “Special 6 Page Ad Report”…

later, T-dogs

Hey Bro, not to stick up for Bill but TC is mostltly talking about the MusceTech ads (they threatened to sue Biotest I *think.)
The BFL’s are mostly legit all they are is extreme fat loss-not unbeleivable by any means. (Unless your a fat house wife…)

Look at the photos TC used in the article - taken 5 minutes apart! That would have fooled me. I would have thought the guy at least would have lost fat to go along with the posing, sucking in the gut, improved posture etc. But no, all the guy did was change shorts and flex! I do think the BFL people made good body comp changes, but most of the “magic” is in the lighting, tanning, and posing. As for that one company who uses Lee Priest, hell, Lee has been doing that for years. The fat shot is just an off season pic. Very sleazy. I give the BFLers some credit, but the Lee Priest ads are sick and sad.