I can’t help but look around the gym and see how fat the cardio people are. Everywhere I go when I see people running they look fat and sickly. Now watching the olympics I have a question for any experts, bill, cy, etc. Look at the gymnasts, and sprinters, they are lean in the 4-5% range and are heavily muscled. VS the Swimmers (kind of soft and pudgy, runners soft and squishy and all other aerobic athletes look fat. Is it the GH levels or Lactate produced by the gymnasts that make them so lean, is it the Gh that make the sprinters look so lean and muscled or is it the genetics or possibly drugs? I am trying to get leaner at least 10% and I find that aerobics is easy and I just look flatter and not leaner. Maybe I should become a gymnast or sprinter> I don’t believe in the calories in calories out theory. My last question is when on a low carb diet does cortisol increase during off hours after training in order to break protein down into energy. Thus would the increase in cortisol levels inhibit fatloss? because cortisol will eventually raise insulin to raise blood sugar. what happens when the body gets used to running on protein and you become very sensitive to carbs?