ASU Football=Westside

I attended a talk by the head ASU football strength coach, and was greatly surprised to find that he loves Westside training for his guys! It was very cool to see an athletic application to this traditional “powerlifter” training style!
It is also noteworthy that he’s one of the coaches who “walks the walk” and won’t suggest anything for his players that he doesn’t do himself (he looks like he can bench/squat a TON).
I wonder how many other University weight rooms have a monolift…

DB- What else did he say that he used with his players. Did they use oly lifts? Did they use the westside method the same way the guys at westside use it or did he modify it to his players needs?

Its obvious yall dont read The coach is Coach H at elitefts. He has a question and answer there and posts the workouts that the team does.

Also, at the talk you went to was there a guy there named Jay Schroeder? Where was the talk held?

his name is joe keen he has a wonderfull book that can be bought at elitefitness it is called the strength coaches playbook…i have personally read every page of it and it is wonderfull…it uses westside principiles but adapts them to a specific tier system for athletes…i use his pricipiles with athletes i train and the athletes love it…he is also a compettivie powerlifter who has totaled elites in the 275 or 308’s i belive …i also think he squats almost 900 pounds benches in the 500’s and deadlifts in the 7’s so he does walk the walk…he also has a wonderfull sled dragging video that should be a must have for all strenght coaches…big martin

I double what Big Martin just said. I have a number of athletes in North Carolina HS’s doing a modified tier system, and they are really doing well. Kenn is a very good writer, and he know the westside principles, along with knowing athletes. Pick up the book. If you never use the tier system, the knowledge and the sction on designing a macro-period is great… a must read for any athlete or coach.

Big M… I will call you soon. I was trying to respect your holiday. Thanks.

Lil’ Coach H

Yes, Joe Kenn uses a lot of the Olympic Lifts or what he terms total body lifts. This is the best book I’ve ever read on strength training for athletes. It is very coach friendly.

Joe Kenn also has a sled video on Elitethat is very good in fact it’s also pretty cheap.

Jeebus, apparently I have been spending too much time at

Time to add Elite to the list!
Thanks guys!

Does the article on Kenn’s website describe tier system training well enough to start using it, or is the book necessary?

JohnClark- The website didn’t work

The website works, just don’t use www before it…

In faith,

Thanks Matt

nother plug for sc playbook, it rocked, the charts at the end are a little difficult to decifer at first but an awesome method to apply westside to sports.

I’ just rec’d strength coaches playbook. It is a fast read (I read 1/2 in about an hour. Filled with tremendous ammounts of information. On amazon it’s only $14. Best $14 I’ve ever spent. It covers everything, starting with an annual plan and working to each workout. Kenn has done a quality job. Basically a step by step approach to apply the conjugate method.

I know that ASU trains conditioning 3x’s a week by having seperating the players into groups based on positions. Each position runs in a path similar to what they would encounter on a football field.