Hey guys so have been training for almost 8 years now. Want to focus on developing my legs i m 6’2 , 97kg, fat percentage 13%. So basically I ve tried almost everything heavy weights, light weights pyramids, supersets, 3 times a week 2 times a week…you name it I ve tried it. But nothing seems to work. And I do understand mind muscle connection cause my upper body is doing really well…i can’t seem to bring my legs to propotion. Squat at 200kg 1reps deadlift 240kg 2 reps. Any advice?
my deep tissue massueas told me that my leg muscles are like bubbles…i don’t know what that mean , I do yoga and 15min stretching after a workout.
You’re 6’2"–awfully tall for a Chinaperson. Are you sure you have Asian genetics?
Instead of trying everything, have you considered trying just ONE thing and trying that one thing for a really long period of time?
You have not tried eating in a surplus consistently. I can tell because you’re 6’2" 213lbs, and not as big as you want to be. If you want to grow you have to eat (while training and resting).
not Chinese… Sout east Asia
yes normally I try a program for 3-4 months… Stick to it longer if I feel it works maybe 6 months
Shoot for years. 3 to 4 months is good for a routine, not a program.
Wow that really narrows it down.
yeah I know…i m trying to get atleast 2 more meals into my day… Currently I m at 4-5 depending on my schedule…My upper body responds very well I see change… Not in my legs though…but I ll try sticking to a program for a year or so…hopefully it helps… Any advice on what type of movements I should be doing? I squat ass to grass, front squat 90degrees…so if you have any tips I m grateful
What do you mean?
What’s your race?
south Asian
Wow, you racist pig. All Asians are the same, just separated by direction, duh.
Op - are you from Antarctica?
He said south EAST, Papua New Guinea duh!
Lol don’t be surprised if this was posted on some other forum or form of social media and people actually agreed.
Ok I’m going to make a guess.
Indian mix?
Is this all you do for legs?