ART Treatment /Anterior Pelvic Tilt

I have found an ART provider in my area and am considering giving it a try.
I would like to get some feedback on peoples experiences for treatment on the Hips.

Will this help fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt? (I am still doing self MFR and Mobility drills)

Is ART going to make enough of a difference in my hips?

All feedback is appreciated.

maybe. it depends.

part of the issue with anterior pelvic tilt is about conscious neurological control. taking the effort to hold yourself properly.

another part of the issue with anterior pelvic tilt is about the balance in muscles. so maybe tight hip flexors, tight spinal erectors, inactive glutes and abs.

the ART should be useful in getting the hip flexors and spinal erectors to chill out / relax. that is good…

but you will need to do your work on activating your abs and glutes.

and you will need to do your work on consciously activating your abs and glutes to pull your pelvis into proper alignment.

so the ART thing… probably depends on how tight your hips / spinal erectors are. usually: very. i’d love to get some ART done if i could afford it. making do with a foam roller at the moment which is infinitely better than nothing but not as good as a good ART…

Hey Alexus,

Do you know any ART practioners in Australia?



but there must be some :slight_smile:

Hi Megatron81,

Is your anterior pelvic tilt a self diagnosis and what are your reasons for wanting to correct it? What do you believe it is causing?

[quote]Celtic_Spur wrote:
Hi Megatron81,

Is your anterior pelvic tilt a self diagnosis and what are your reasons for wanting to correct it? What do you believe it is causing?


It is a self diagnosis. From looking in the mirror my belt line is tilted and there is excessive lordosis. I want to correct it so I don’t get injured training. I believe that sitting for hours on in everyday has caused it. I am a college student so I sit in class and to study.

Do you have advice?

Its good to be proactive but don’t stress over it.

The reason I asked if it was a self diagnosis is there are common misalignments that are a result of a structural abnormality (abnormal from the referred anatomical ?correct? position). As a result it common practise to assess three determinates of lordosis, a decision should then be based on findings of two of the three.

1, Lordotic curve (>30 degrees is believed to be excessive)
2, Position of PSIS and ASIS (a marked deviation of about 5 degrees is meant to represent anterior pelvic, 15 degrees represent clinical importance)
3, Increase or decrease in hip join angle.

As for advice, the best things you can do are:
-correctly perform impaired movement?s e.g. correcting any lumber extension during shoulder flexion. (Note: obviously you need to know how the body should move in order to do this.)

  • perform exercises that require control of the impaired muscles. A really good exercise is the bird dog
  • try not to stay seated for prolonged periods. Spending 30 minutes in a position of misalignment is enough to start physiological adoptions to the length of the muscle, if however, you get up and move you can regain about 50% of that original stiffness in 3 minutes, to get 100% back you need to be back in that correct alignment for an equal or greater time.

Hope this helps a little.