Read the article this morning, printed it and handed it to my trainer.
I easily scored 100 in each category, excepting the run, which I got 100 by exactly 2 second.
I’m 60, btw.
Kind of unimpressed with it, but agree it’s an improvement. I struggled in the IDF because it was very heavy on running and used an early iteration of BMI that did not account for muscle mass. I would routinely flunk height/weight requirements.
Yeah I’m not sure about the run either, because I never run. But at the same time what people can join the army at 18 right? They are not all nor should be high level athletes…
Frankly, the line that explains it is where it says there are no longer separate requirements for men and women. The requirements were made with the intention of making it so most women can pass if they train for it. That means most men can pass easily.
The good thing about that is everyone knows where they stand. In the old way, a woman could have a perfect or near perfect score and a man a lower score even though he performed better than she did at the events. It’s a reality check.
**[quote=“godhimself, post:3, topic:259927, full:true”]
Yeah you have to be a real fuckin pussy to not hit those numbers, especially if you are training for it.
I didn’t train for anything, although I train (in general) and have trained most of my life, but I was shocked that a 60 year old me could get a perfect score.
I’m in good shape (especially for my age), but hardly what I consider my “fighting shape” of when I was in the IDF, so I was surprised by the test.
Then again, most of the US Army is logistics, and it’s literally the most amazing logistics machine in the world. I am sure the actual fighting forces have much higher standards.